What is love for you?

What is love for you? – PABLO, GUARDAMA DEL SEGURA, SPAIN


If you feel that he is beside you… and within you, why would you need to look for him? (This is not a challenge, there is no aggression in this question; I simply want you to think about it and elucidate).

In Nick Cave’s response to this question. He mentioned that love is when a person says: “I see you. I recognise you. You are human, as am I.” In his view, love does not have to be complex. In fact, he believes only simplicity can spike love. Love is “to acknowledge with compassion our mutual human capacity for all things, both good and evil.” He acknowledges that all humans have flaws, and love is complex. However, love is not about disliking flaws. Thus, he believes the purest quality of love comes out of the simplest intentions.

I feel the same with Nick Cave. I acknowledge the fact that love is complex. Love is a mix of emotions, behaviours, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person. It is the complexity and simplicity of love that makes this concept special and unique. While one can argue that without complexity, love can easily collapse. Nevertheless, it is love’s simplicity that brings two people together ultimately.

Love can be on different levels, the love for our parents are not necessarily the same as the love we have to our friends. We might say that we love our parents more than our friends. Nonetheless, they are different things. On the other hand, there is spiritual love and physical love. Physical love needs an object to love. In spiritual love, the feeling comes from inside. In physical love, you are attracted towards a human, you need a base for that attraction, it can be face, character, fame… In spiritual love, it is only possible with spiritual connections. When we reach that level, we feel a sense of belonging.


One thought on “What is love for you?

  1. Very thoughtful —and I like the way you clarified and extended Nick Cave’s definitions as you built your own.

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