Identity Iceberg

Identity Iceberg

While creating my Identity Iceberg, I learned more about my identity. Some of the visible aspects of my identity are that I am a teenager, I don’t wear glasses, I have black hair, I am Asian, I am tall, and that I am an Apple user.

Some of the less visible aspects of my identity include the hobbies that I have, such as I play basketball and golf, I play the piano and the guitar and I sing… As well, the personality aspect of my identity is something that is less visible to other people too. For example, I am open-minded, and I am organized. I dislike wasting time and I enjoy music & maths are also some aspects that others won’t see straight off looking at me.

I find it interesting that as I go down to the “Not Visible” part of the iceberg, I find it really hard to think of anything. I believe that these aspects might not be there yet. In a psychological perspective, these aspects might be subconsciously there, it just that I have not realized them.

I wish that my teachers and peers can know me more by asking me questions they are confused about me. I am really open-minded thus I will not get awkward when answering any questions. I feel like the only way of getting to know a person better is to ask that person things you want to know about them.

Posted in PSE

One thought on “Identity Iceberg

  1. Very well thought out, David! Thank you for sharing. I hope you continue to learn more about yourself and others through your years in IB.

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