CAS G12 Reflection

In G12, I am still committed to my choir group Bersama that I started in G9 as well as my service group Lions Befrienders. This year, many great things were accomplished in both of these activities.

Starting with Lions Befrienders, as the chair of the service, I successfully transitioned my role to the juniors by showing them the mechanisms and interactions in this service group. As I am graduating soon, I tried my best to give the newest leaders a complete understanding of this service, our mission, as well as some mandatory work such as updating portfolios etc. Last year, due to the pandemic, the care package that was scheduled to be sent to the elderly cannot be accomplished. However, with COVID restrictions easing in Singapore, I believe I can coordinate with the current leadership group and the service office and send the care package we planned last year.

For Bersama, we have prepared many songs and we performed at the Wavelength concert in February. We have also gotten the opportunity to perform at graduation, and rehearsal is in progress. Through the 4 years I have been in Bersama and in the performing arts sector of the school, I really appreciate the collaboration skills I have learned, as many of these concerts/musicals need very precise coordination between the performers and the crew.

CAS has been a wonderful journey, it taught me the meaning of collaboration, communication, leadership, responsibility, initiative and many more, and I will definitely pursue similar/diverse activities moving on to university.

G11 + CAS Project Review – CAS

This is a video reflecting on my CAS journey in Grade 11, including my CAS Project! Enjoy!

This is the planning document for our service care package CAS project for evidence.


Surfaid Global Concern – Final Reflection

After a year of working with the Surfaid Global Concern Group, this would be a place to reflect on my progress throughout the year.

This year was a year full of challenges and achievements, we planned and hosted fundraising events, through selling merchandise, and swimming “virtually” to raise funds. Every group member actively contributed to discussions around these May projects. As the enterprise officer of the group, I contributed in ways I can by helping to set up stalls and calculating merchandise counts/variety. Although this year’s fund was less than other years due to the pandemic, we still raised a considerable amount, which surprised everyone in our group and in our school community.

#LO6 Global Value: Surfaid has had global value in mind since its creation. We focus on enhancing the lives of people on remote islands of Indonesia through active fundraising and direct care (although not this year due to the pandemic). It does not stop there, for our fundraising events, all products sold are proven to have a clean and sustainable supply chain, including the stall we hold this year.

#LO7 Ethics: We put ethics into our consideration when making any decisions. For instance, all our merchandise are ethically sourced. And that all our fundraising events are carefully taking into consideration of their impacts and implications.

I look forward to next year’s Surfaid, and I am very curious to see what will happen then!

Lions Befrienders Local Service – Final Reflection

After one year of working in and leading the local service group Lions Befrienders, I figured it would be time to reflect on the process and learning over this year.

#LO1 Awareness: Throughout this year, awareness was built within our service group in ways such as knowing which elderlies we service are unable to walk, which changes our activity routine every session. We learned to be aware of our movements, the elderlies’ reactions.

#LO3 Initiative: Our group constantly takes initiatives to achieve better. We constantly change our activity routine to diversify and spark our service partner’s interest. We planned a thank you letter at the end of the year in the form of a group video, sent to the service group.

#LO4 Commitment: Every group member, when first joined the service group, committed throughout. Which I am extremely grateful for. It’s this commitment and perseverance that keeps me going, too. Every member shows up every week during our session, no matter if it’s scheduled for a live call or a reflection. Everyone seems to be extremely enthusiastic about working towards our service group’s common goal of assisting the elderly.

#LO6 Global Value: The issue of an ageing population not only applies to Singapore but also everywhere else around the globe. And it is an issue that has to be tackled. Our service group is filled with global value hence the reason why we joined the service group at first.

#LO7 Ethics: Ethics is an important area of focus within our service group because elderlies are a vulnerable population and that there is an equal (and large) amount of respect and responsibility from our group members to the elderly. We make sure that they are doing just right and just enough so they are physically active. We often give them advice so they can actively age not only on a Monday afternoon but also at home.

Through the work of this year, I learned how our service group can make a difference in the elderly’ lives in the local community, and more importantly, we learned about the global community, and our service group tackles an issue that is persistent around the globe.

Surfaid Global Concern – 2nd reflection

For the past months, although we cannot conduct fundraisers physically, our group came a long way in terms of merchandise design and moving our future plans forward. We created a few more merchandise this year: except for our Surfaid stickers, this year, we have implemented masks and swimming caps designed for our swimming team. Below is my reflection on the goals I set myself at the beginning of the year.

#LO6 Global Value: Surfaid, being a global organization, takes global value very seriously. As the enterprise officer, when helping the chair to create and develop new ideas for merchandise, I always conduct research and discuss with the service office on whether the supplier has unethical practices or practices that hurt our kept global value. We have then narrowed the suppliers down, in which we are contacting them for further information.

#LO7 Ethics: As mentioned above, we take ethical decisions very seriously as a group. Since we cannot do fundraising events in the school for the past months, we have shifted our focus into developing merchandise. “Merchandise is dangerous,” says staff from the service department, as they say, that every piece of good that we sell has to be ethical, and that might be hard in this modern, industrialized world of manufacturing. But fortunately, after research and meeting with the Surfaid headquarters, we have found companies that are school-approved and ethical.

I look forward to our new merchandise, and hopefully, we can host fundraising events in the next few months!

Lions Befrienders Local Service 2nd Reflection

It has been almost 4 months since Lions Befrienders began this year, and I truly believe that we have accomplished a lot over the four months. Every member of the group learned something during these four months.

In the beginning, we did not know much about the situation. Due to COVID-19, we cannot directly visit the Lions Befrienders Center. Thus, we are forced to move online. For the first few weeks, when things were still getting settled, we asked Coach Sul from the activities department to come to our session and introduce some movements/exercises and we could potentially do with the elderlies. Afterwards, we discussed and decided on a routine in which we will conduct the exercises.

For the following weeks, we recorded videos of the exercises in a group during our sessions and sent the videos off to the centre for them to watch, as the service department was negotiating with the partner regarding live sessions. We also did a Christmas special video when we dressed up with Christmas decorations and did the exercises, “it was very entertaining”, the elderlies feedbacked. Recently, we were permitted to conduct live ZOOM sessions with our service partner, we did so, and all the group members enjoyed interacting with the elderlies, I believe the elderlies enjoyed it too. In my September reflection, I have set myself some goals, below, I will reflect on those goals and perhaps plan how I can move forward:

#LO1 Awareness: Since this is my third year in the Lions Befrienders Service group, I have a good understanding of what our service group needs to do moving forward. Additionally, we have a lot of new members joining us this year, being an experienced member, I can quickly settle the new members into our service group’s mission and vision, which made their transitions easier.

#LO3 Initiative: As Lions Befrienders is one of the few local service groups that tackle the global problem of an ageing population, we are trying to take initiatives to be the role model for other similar service/focus groups and global concern groups. During the past few months, as we are not able to visit their service centre directly, we took the initiative of video calling them instead of just recording videos for elderlies to watch, as we feel live sessions will be more exciting and engaging for both the elderlies and us. Also, we have a very reflective group, every time when some parts of the session go off-track, members will often come up with a solution right away, which I am really happy about, without the wonderful members, our service would not come so far.

#LO4 Commitment: All the group members are committing to this service, everyone has been incredibly passionate, and excited everyone when we see the elderlies, despite virtually. We will keep the passion and power through the rest of the school year.

#LO6 Global Value: Our service group tackles the global problem of an ageing population, we help them to actively age and live a health livestyle. Additionally, we are still working to better enhance their experience and interaction with us. We are also working towards teaching them the importance of an active lifestyle on health and mind.

#LO7 Ethics: When creating our exercise routine, our group was faced with some ethical decisions: we have to take elderlies that are unable to move well into account. Therefore, for every exercise that we are designing, we have another variation that can be performed by elderlies that are not able to stand up (on wheelchairs). Which effectively tackled the problem, when we conducted the live ZOOM session, we found out that there are physical inconvenient elderlies who found the alternation of the exercise very helpful, their reactions gratified everyone.

I look forward to our future sessions with our service partner!

Surfaid – Global Concern

Surfaid International is an international organization that focuses on the wellbeing of villages and communities in remote islands in Indonesia.

#LO6 Global Value: As mentioned, Surfaid is an international organization, and our activity in Singapore does contribute to actions and projects happening in those villages in Indonesia. Thus, we need to have a sense of global value and connection in order to maximize our learning outcome.

#LO7 Ethics: Since this is a global organization and our Global Concern group is a part of it, we have to think some ways to fundraise in order to help with Surfaid’s projects in Indonesia. During those fundraisers, a lot of our income generated is by selling Surfaid merchandises. This is where ethics often come in. It’s because there are a lot of companies nowadays uses unsustainable material and labour. Thus, we have to check the production and materials they use in products before actually ordering them. The decisions we make will have a negative impact on the environment and workers’ wellbeing if we are not careful. Thus, we always check with the product manufacturer and verify before ordering any merchandise.

I really look forward to this year’s Surfaid and I am interested in how it will go! We have many members joining this year and I look forward to working with them as well!


Lions Befrienders – Local Service – Connecting Seniors, Enriching Lives

Today, 14 September 2020, I have started committing to Lions Befrienders – again!

I have been in Lions Befrienders since I joined the school in Grade 9. And I was nominated for the chair of the service since then.  I look forward to this year’s local service experience as we have new members joining. The mission is to provide friendship and care for seniors to age in place with community participation and enabling them to enjoy meaningful and enriching lives.

#LO1 Awareness: As mentioned above, I have been in Lions Befrienders since Grade 9. Thus, I know what is needed further in this service group. I had led the group for years, thus I understand what needs to be done to make this service better for our partners, as well as reflecting what went well and the way going forward.

#LO3 Initiative: This service was an initiative. As we do not have a lot of these care centres around the world focusing on the wellbeing of elderlies. This Social Service Agency was formed in 1995 by the Lions Clubs of Singapore and Lions District Project. Our service group regularly plan for new activities to enjoy with the elderlies and reflect often on the progress. If there are changes to the plan suddenly, we often adjust to the new plan as fast and as effective as possible.

#LO4 Commitment: I have been participating in this service group two years ago when I joined the school. I have always been motivated to do this service, it’s because I feel a connection to the elderlies every time they smile at us, I also know how important it is for seniors to actively age. It’s that which motivates me to continue to contribute and lead this service group.

#LO6 Global Value: Our service group addresses the problem of the ageing population. This is a problem across many countries. It is significant because many seniors have mental implications due to lack of support from their families/friends. This is why we need organizations such as Lions Befrienders to help them actively age and provide them with physical and mental support.

#LO7 Ethics: This service group often tackles learning object seven which is ethics. We have to make ethical decisions every time we have to come up with new game/activity ideas that we plan to do with the elderlies. Every member of us have to participate and interact with elderlies, additionally, we have to make sure that every senior is feeling comfortable playing with us. Sometimes we have to adapt to what they prefer, which helps me and the whole service group to learn.

I look forward to this year’s local service sessions and I look forward to working with new and old members!