“My Language World Map” Assessment Blog Post

Photo of “My Language World Map” (by David Sun):   






Language World Map Blog Post:

In my Language World Map, I used dotted lines to separate each section apart and the dotted lines were all in different colours between each section. It was because I thought that they were all important in the process in shaping my “language world”, I used different colours because each section shaped different aspects of my “language world”. However, for each section, they had different sizes, and that was the more or less amount this specific section had affected my “language world”. For example: “Like to watch MARVEL movies” only took a small amount of space, because I thought even though it was important in shaping my “language world”, however, it only affected a small bit to my “language world journey”.

The focuses for “My Language World Map” were School, Family and Idiolect influences because I felt these three categories affected my “language world journey” the most. And I wrote those sections in great details. I also included “Where Did English Come From?” section because I thought this was important. I already knew that English was actually not original and I also thought etymology was an interesting topic. I also included some sections talking about how can language include or exclude people and how my mother tongue influenced me. It’s because including or excluding people when using a different language is really important for me personally as I talked about in the paper, when I try to exclude people who can’t understand Chinese, I tend to use Chinese. Also, I talked about how my mother tongue influenced me because Chinese language affected me a lot in a lot of aspects, which you will explore more in “My Language Map”.

Overall, I enjoyed creating the language world map as it made me aware of the various aspects of my own language learning journey.