Divi Builder Post

The Design Basics

Proximity – is all about using visual space to show relationships in your content. Making sure that related items are grouped together, groups that aren’t related to each other should be separated just to have the visual emphasis on not having a relationship.

White Space – is an important part of every composition. Also known as ‘negative space’. Negative space is space between the content, lines and even the outer margins. It helps you define and separate different sections; giving the content room to breathe.

Alignment – most important thing when aligning is to be consistent. Groupings should be evenly spaced and aligned, with equal sized margins — attention to detail makes the composition easier to navigate. Using alignment is really helpful because it won’t make your work seem unorganized.

Contrast – one thing is different from another. Using layout and composition, combining those two can help with; catching the reader’s eye, create emphasis or even call attention to something this is important or (intentionally) highlighted. By using color, adjusting the size of certain things, shape or the visual weight of an object or contrasting styles of text.

Repetition – is a reminder that every project should have a consistent look and feel. This means to reinforce the design by repeating or echoing certain elements. Example; using a certain color theme and sticking to the same font as much as possible helps with keeping it consistent. Overall, it gives the viewer a relaxed and expected project as they can focus on the content.

Rough Draft


The Done Manifesto: 

  • Accept that everything is a draft. It helps to get it done.
  • Failure counts as done. So do mistakes.

After reading the article, I thought to myself that these two pieces of advice were the most important to me because I consider myself a ‘perfectionist’ and I normally want everything done the first time and right. But it has made me realize that without going through multiple drafts and mistakes I may not get the best outcome, as well as, follow through with the initial plan and stick with it so that I wouldn’t need to waste too much time perfecting it. It’s definitely something I’d want to remember for next time working on any type of task/project.

Logo Ideas

While we were doing the empathy map activity, I started to have some ideas about what I wanted my logo to look like and what the message could convey. The logo (visually) would be something quite unexpected but also obvious, as it resonates with the experience that I (personally) had because I felt like for different speakers I took away different points and individually they made me feel very different feel as I left. Additionally, I feel like the color choice would also play an important role because the ambiance was somewhat relaxed but combining it with the speakers and the information they provided it was also somewhat formal.

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