Bersama: Personal Growth

In the ongoing experience of HS Bersama, I have been able to notice personal growth within my time of being part of the activity. Reflecting back to when I first joined the group, I was still shy and timid and didn’t really open myself up as an individual musician who had taken chances to show […]

Bersama: Adapting & Perservering

With the recent restrictions of the pandemic, it has been difficult to participate and work with others in the group as easily as we were able to do in the past. Given these circumstances, our practices have been limited to individual members being in different ITP rooms within the music department. This has been a […]

HS Marimbas: Ongoing Progress

Having spent significant time in this activity, I have been able to develop my skills and techniques as an individual musician, such that personal growth and perseverance have been attributes that I became aware of throughout this experience. Prior to this activity, I have involved myself in similar experiences of contributing to a music ensemble […]

Bersama: Taking Chances

Reflecting on my growth in Bersama, I would say that I definitely have excelled in certain areas of contributing to a larger group of other vocalists, such that through the challenges I’ve personally faced along the way, I’ve been able to resolve them in any way possible. An example would be, (in my previous reflection) […]

Bersama: Stepping In

Joining Bersama has allowed me to be more open-minded in an environment that provides me various opportunities to step up amongst 15 other vocalists and showcase my abilities. However, it hasn’t been that simple in some senses. Being somewhat quiet-natured definitely doesn’t benefit me in an activity such as Bersama, and there have been personal […]