Reflection #1 (CREST Project)

My project is about how engineers are making space travel more efficient. During the start of 2020, I read multiple books about space, which sparked my interest in space, therefore I chose to do my project on space travel. Another reason why I chose to do this project on space travel is because I feel like space travel and exploration will be a big part of our future, hence I want to learn more about how space travel is getting better, and make predictions on how it might improve in the future. 

Initially, I wanted to make a poster on how engineers are making space travel sustainable, however now I am focusing on how engineers have developed space travel to make it more efficient. Hence I want to make a documentary or a slideshow showing a timeline of how engineers made space travel more efficient, therefore showing my creativity.

My next step for this project is research. I feel like there may be some difficulty in finding past designs of space travel and how it was less efficient than current space travel. Another challenge might be making predictions on how space travel will improve in the future.

One thought on “Reflection #1 (CREST Project)

  1. Prezi can also be a cool way to present a timeline. I’m fascinated to hear your projections for the future of space travel!!! Make sure you consider which aspects of sustainability are most relevant and choose some to go into in detail

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