Today in class, we were learning about the effects of EQ and IQ. I think that IQ and EQ are both equally important because both of them are dependent on each other and both also go hand in hand. I think that I am emotionally intelligent because I am not easy to offend, I get enough sleep etc. I could go on about what I think, but when looking at the spectrum, I think I fit in between the top and middle.

Are Henrik Ibsen’s Words Real Today?

I think that Henrik Ibsen’s quote can be applied to today’s world as there is a gender imbalance in some societies today. I don’t think that his quote is completely true because today in this new and ageing modern society, there are more opportunities that arise for women and they are becoming more noticed in society and are now gaining the same rights and opportunities as men. An example was in June 16, 1963 when Valentina Tereshkova was launched into space. Valentina Tereshkova was a Russian Cosmonaut who was the first women to be launched into space. I think that this is a pretty significant moment as Valentina Tereshkova was launched into space only 2 years after the first male, Yuri Gagarin. That to this event happened in the mid nineteen hundreds which makes it more significant as this was during the time feminism was created.

I also think that our society is dependent on different individuals to solve the problem instead of taking action and trying to solve it themselves. We should not wait for a big name to appear up and solve it, because it we believe that the problem needs to be solved.

Should We Play Sports?

I think that everyone should not necessarily play a sport but get some type of physical exercise. I believe this way because physical expertise can benefit us in various different ways, both physically and mentally. For me, I can gain a lot of physical benefits, but mentally it helps me a bit more. It helps me release stress and when playing sports, or participating in some type of physical activity, I feel locked in, inside my own world.

Hamza’s Foundational Story Review

In Hamza’s presentation about the Evolution of Thor, I can identify how the original story of Thor has evolved and changed into a Marvel movie. In the movie, the whole story itself is a bit different because in the modern movies, they focus more on Thor directly interacting with the humans to save them whereas in the original story, Thor is not as active with the humans in his quest to save them.

The basis of the story is the same in both the original and the modern stories but his heritage and his attitude as a character is more different. This is because he is made to be a comic and movie character instead of a Norse god. The stories have not changed for cultural reasons, but have changed for more popular culture reasons as he is made to be compared to other mortals instead of being a god.

Will Your Phone Become More Important Than Your Social Life?

I came up with this question in class when we were discussing about social media and peoples perspectives on. I think that this question is a really interesting one because it allows us to dig deeper into what different people think about social media. Before people answer this question, I think that people need to consider if people actually use social media and if they are socially active on the internet. I think that I should avoid loading questions as people might get confused and might not be able to answer the question. I think that this question is relevant to our grade because most people are socially active and a lot of student depend on their phone for a lot for many different things related to their student life or their personal life.


Transient Workers Count 2 by Christine Pelly

On Friday, we had speaker Christine Pelly come to our school. She came to our school to spread awareness about transient workers count 2. It is a Ngo which aims to provide better living conditions for construction workers. I thought that her talk was really eye-opening because Singapore usually covers all the things that happen behind to the workers. She said the main issues the workers faced was salary issues, injuries or the harsh working conditions they were subjected to. She also said that workers were very scared of their employers because if they lost there job, there would be no way to pay back their debt. When she mentioned that workers were vulnerable and exploited, I felt really bad as they are the people that make Singapore the infrastructural it is today.

Dpers Lesson One

I value when people listen to me and everyone has an equal role. The one thing you can do to support me best when we work together is put in all your effort and work hard. When it comes to tech, I am good and technological organisation, and I need to get better at using new softwares. People miss understand me for someone that is harsh and a mean group member. I think more of myself as an extrovert, in group work, you may notice that I like to take a leading role, please remember I prefer a democratic group.


Deborah Emmanuel

Today we had Deborah Emmanuel, an ex-drug offender and poet came to visit us. She shared a lot of her poems and information about her life. She identifies as a Singaporean and does not believe in the CMI system (Chinese, Malay, Indian). She was very explicit with her poems but I found it very cool as she was so passionate about expressing art and her life story through poetry (p.s she is a great singer). Many students asked her about what she felt like when she was in prison and when she was going through very tough times. She said that she did not have any regrets because if she didn’t go to prison, she wouldn’t be the person she is today. She also mentioned that she had no regrets in life. I found that very interesting because if I was in the shoes of Ms Emmanuel, I would definitely turn back time and change things I asI would not be able to cope with going to prison.

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