I don’t believe it would be in our best interest to make actors “immortal”.

Firstly, if we use AI to “immortalize” actors, it would close a golden door of opportunity for the future generation. People are born with a talent for acting and develop not only the passion, but the ability to work extremely hard. However, if we “immortalized” actors, we would not be able to see how the skills are developed through the years. It would cut down on all opportunity for the future generations to come. Just because we would not need new actors, doesn’t mean that there are people who suddenly don’t want to become an actor.

In addition to that, I believe that actors are just people, who do a job just like anyone else. They go to work everyday, but the only difference is that they work in front of a camera, it makes them a celebrity. If we “immortalise” them, it shows people that you need to be famous to have any importance in the world. Actors and actresses teach us beautiful lessons through artistic creations like movies, and shows, however it is no reason to provide “immortality” to them and not to others.

AI is incredibly close to real life, but it will never be as full of emotion as we humans are (at least not in the near future). Even though AI could recreate the actors’ skills to incredible accuracy, it would not be the same. It wouldn’t be the actor’s legacy anymore, because it isn’t them doing it anymore. I would like to believe that humans would want their legacy to be carved by them, and not touched or carried on by AI.