DPERs Notes on Social Media – How social media has impacted our relationship with our family?

In today’s class, we discussed on what impacts the digital world can have on our relationship on our generation, specifically the bonds and relationship with our several family members.I thought of my question which as you can see, is in the title of my blog post because I felt like our modern generation Z compared to older generation has become addicted to the technological world and we are driven to do things we are not supposed do.We are being controlled or rather provoked to live our life by the digital world’s orders.This question can really help us dive into different perspectives.With further questions, we can dig deeper into this questions and possible get more answers.We would need to avoid bizarre perspectives and possibly from the older generation because at times, some of the technology was not available at that time.

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6 thoughts on “DPERs Notes on Social Media – How social media has impacted our relationship with our family?

  • February 21, 2018 at 2:19 am

    1.) I think this question will be relevant 3 years from now, I say this because I feel that social media won’t die out and it will stay for a long time so I feel that social media will pretty much always affects relationships and family.

    2.) In order to consider a wide range of perspectives related to your question, I would have to think about these three things: First we will have to account for what has happened so specifically what has happened so how has social media affected relationships and family, from there we should go on to consider the why has this happened to understand what is really going on. Once we understand we would know the how to make it better. Once you know the what and why you can understand how to stop it.

    • February 21, 2018 at 2:37 am

      Thank you so much…I agree as well and that how social media can have an impact on our families whether it is good or bad.

  • February 21, 2018 at 2:26 am

     I think this question will be relevant 3 years from now, I say this because technology is always improving. Social media will change as well, there will be new apps that people will get addicted to. Because of this, it takes up more of our free time which will reduce time with family. Social media has impacted our relationship with family, we are not spending as much time with them as we are spending it online, even on family vacations we are posting pictures on social media instead of being in the present. This not only hurts the relationship with your family but also the people around us, it can make the people around us feel ignored. It can also impact our relationship with our family as sometimes social media can change the way we act, from social media we are exposed to many different types of people, we can see many different things online. Being surrounded by so much can cause us to be influenced, which will change the way we act thus impacting our relationship with our family. I think this question is important to reflect on, as from answering this question we can see some of the things that we are doing that could be hurting our family.

    • February 21, 2018 at 2:37 am

      Thank you so much…I agree as well and that how social media can have an impact on our families whether it is good or bad.

  • February 21, 2018 at 2:33 am

    I think this question will be relevant 3 years from now, I say this because with how much more convenient and individual technology is becoming, people may be slowly drifting away from not only family but friends too.
    In order to consider a wide range of perspectives related to your question, I would have to think about these three things:
    – what does one consider sufficient time with their family and then using their phones?
    – is there a certain way generation Z was raised to be so addicted to their phones?
    – is there a way technology could possibly help relationships with our families?

    • February 21, 2018 at 2:37 am

      Thank you so much…I agree as well and that how social media can have an impact on our families whether it is good or bad.


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