Dpers- What are smart phones to us?

I came up with this question in class during my discussion with Rohan. We were talking about the impact phones on people. How people will choose phones over other real people. Then we came up that smartphones were supposed to be the way to communicate and entertain people. But it became a lot more. People take phones as something they need not as they want. Phones aren’t just an object it is part of us. Which has both negative and positive impact on us.  during this conversation, we should avoid some fallacies. Because when the phone becomes part of us, we spend all the time on the phone. We should be careful what you put on social media or what kind of websites you check.

This can make grade 9th to think what connection they have with their phone. How much time they spend on their phone, what they post on social media. You should be always careful on social media because you never know what kind of people look at your profile. 

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