Dpers video games.

which lessons from a gaming culture could be used in Gpers unit?

This could apply to multiple Gpers units; Faith& Ideology, human rights, Identity.

Vidoe games create characters with perfect bodies and have a lot of stereotype s( like men are the leader and suppose to be stronger than women). That’s why men and women around the world are very unhappy about their body. 15-20% of men suffer from bulimia. Especially now as the gender gap is decreasing and the world realizing that women are capable to do the same work as men, but the video games did not change much. I guess video games could also improve on the way that they view men and women, their body and their decisions.

This could be a very interesting topic to look at in Gpers. Talk about why the gender gap is so big and how different countries reduce it. Also, where did all those “perfect” bodies came from and why is it needed. We could also discuss in what way did this changed our lives.


personal statement

Grade 9 was my first year in high school. Even though it seems like the change from middle to high school is not that big. But I think high school changed me a lot. I changed a lot throughout this year not just physically but mentally as well. I think the high school made me a lot more responsible, intelligent, careful, deep, more mature, more grown up, I realized that I should not always rely on people, the only person that I should rely on fully is myself. This year was full of different emotions: laughter, tears, scandals, memories.

I achieved a lot this year. In service(Coding for good) and volleyball, I learned the importance of teamwork. How to collaborate and include others. I realized that every person is different and visualizes everything differently. For example, one person will understand everything perfectly if u explain once whether for the other person to remember you need to explain multiple times. One thing that I could improve on sis being more patient. Also in some places where I don’t know people, I will be very quiet and I won’t share my ideas or opinion. That something I should work on.  

I realize that I am only in Grade 9 at the very beginning of high school journey but I already started to think about my dream job and my dream university. At the end of grade 8, I was sure that I want to be an engineer. In grade 9 when we started learning science a lot deeper and I understood that I feel very passionate about biology and chemistry. I started realizing what subjects I like and what I don’t, things that I should work harder on and things that are easy for me. At this moment my dream job would become a doctor. That is something i am very interesting and passionate about. Of course, my dreams and thought might change a lot through the process of growing up.

I also think that I grew a lot in academics. At first it was very hard for me to manage my time wisely. I would spend too much time on one subject and not enough on the other. But now i learn what strategies help me learn. Exams helped a lot to figure this out. In my perspectives, I don’t think that grades should not matter and they shouldn’t detournement how smart you are. I still don’t understand why some people are getting very upset about getting a 6 for examples. They are just numbers nothing much. I used to be one of those people as well. I cared a lot about my grades a lot and i thought that if i won’t get a 7 on this subject, i would fail, and my entire life is over. Of course my grades got a lot better since the beginning if the year. But that’s not the most important part. The most important part is that i realised that grades don’t matter as long as I understand what the unit is about. And as long as i do my best, then grade won’t matter to me. Of course it’s better to get a good great but even if i won’t I should not stress about. It was one of the most important things that i learnt from this year.

This year already changed me already but as I continue changing I want to develop more skills such as being a better listener, paying more attention to small things, being more open and letting people in my life, to take responsibility of all my actions. And one of the most important is to think before I do something.

I achieved a lot this year as well as I failed multiple times too. I learned from my mistakes. I changed a lot and I will keep changing, hope that all the changes that will happen to me will make me a better, stronger person.

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