Drum Therapy (FINAL Reflection)

LO7-Recognise and consider the ethics implications of choices and actions .

Even though Drum Therapy was not my ideal choice of a local service, I suprising enjoyed it, allowing me to improve my collaboration and leadership along with my peers.

The main thing that I can take away from this experience is the ethical treatment of disabled and special-needs people. When we first visited the centre, I was afraid to interact with the people, some of them acting ‘weirdly’ and ‘unusual’. I treated them differently than I would with other people. I have always been exposed to awareness and education bout strengthening the equality within a society by accepting all types of people, whether it is their culture, their race, their sex etc. Yet, I still saw these special needs people as a whole separate ‘group’. Fortunately, as we had more sessions, I started to feel much more comfortable and I was enjoying their company.

Whenever I go out into the public, when there is a special needs person, everyone else stares and looks at him/her confused, giving an uncanny expression. Yes, it can be acceptable if their behaviour is out of control, but as our society develops, we should put in an effort into accepting these people into our lives.

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