Mathematics HL:Maths and me

I’m Hibiki Tokuda and I took IGCSE math course, together with the additional mathematics course. I mostly have a positive feelings towards maths and I find it achieving when I am able to solve questions. As I am starting this course, I am worried that I won’t be able to catch up with the workload. I mostly like to work things out for myself but when I get stuck on a problem that I can’t solve by myself, I like it when somebody explains it to me. So when looking at the continuum, I would put myself somewhere on the left side but not all the way. When I’m stuck on a question, I normally look at the answer and try to work my way there with the answer. And if I still don’t understand it, I ask my teachers, siblings and parents for help. My biggest strength in learning mathematics would be persistent, when I don’t understand a question, I try until I solve it and that allows me to be really hard working. Some areas that I would like to focus on would be flexible and imaginative. I normally can’t solve a question type that I have never seen before and I want to be able to apply more.

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