16 personalities:ISFJ


  • supportive
  • reliable and patient
  • enthusiastic
  • loyal and hard working
  • good practical skills


  • humble and shy
  • take things too personally
  • repress their feelings
  • overload themselves
  • reluctant to change
  • too altruistic


From looking at the personality traits that I have got, I mostly agree with both the strengths and the weaknesses. I find myself to be patient and enthusiastic around my friends. I barely get upset with my friends and mostly happy to be around them. I find myself very attached to the close friends I have and I think that leads to loyalty and supporting my friends. I also find the weaknesses true for myself. I think I tend to repress my feelings to be enthusiastic and happy at most times and so I don’t express feelings that are in any way negative to my friends as I think they shouldn’t really be shared. And these might lead to overloading myself with emotions that I can’t cope with. I am also reluctant to change because I like how it is now and I am not looking to change anything as it is comfortable. Some careers that fit the ISFJ personalities were environmental science, electrical engineering, carpenter and so on. There were many jobs that included helping people such as teaching, caring, nursing but I am more interested in the engineering side. It also says to avoid executive positions which I agree with as I find it hard to make decisions. I have also talked to some friends and some had a similar personality to mine which was quite interesting.


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