Personality test reflection


The test shows me as right in the middle between extraverted and introverted so I see this as beneficial because I am able to understand the perspectives of both.

My results also show that I am more of a feeler than a thinker, whereas I believe that I am someone that generally thinks through decisions and can do things if I see a future benefit even If I don’t enjoy it at the moment

I think one place where the test really has me wrong is that it had guessed that I am a perfectionist but I am completely opposite to that in every way.

Individual Report Reflection

Sustainability is when something is able to keep on going without altering the natural ecological balance. The concept of being sustainable for the planet is that we will get to a stage that the amount of energy and water and C02 that we are producing will not accumulate and will be the same now as it is in the foreseeable future. For a community to truly be sustainable it would have to completely rely on renewable energy sources and not use any coal gas e.t.c. The inherent problem with this is that the wind dies and the sun sets so the levels of energy would be constantly fluctuating. Currently, we do not have a battery big enough to store this energy but companies like Tesla are working on it with their new super battery in Australia.


My absolute number one factor for my own ecological footprint is flying, so much so, that on the footprint calculator when I didn’t put in flying I was using 0.6 earths but when flying was calculated in it went up to 2.2! I think that my second biggest is probably what I eat, although I very rarely eat beef I eat a lot of chicken and fish which are both also taking up some land area and producing C02 emissions



Flying has a big environmental impact mostly because of the amount of non-renewable fuel it uses, although nowadays, depending on what car you have, it is not that much worse than driving (especially if your car is not at full seating capacity). As for my food land usage, a few years ago when I first started thinking about my sustainability and carbon footprint, the first thing I did was swap out the beef for chicken and fish. I never had much beef but all types of farming (especially cattle) are very resource intensive. There is always energy lost when you have to use the land to farm crops for the cows to eat for you to then eat the cow, in that process, there will always be a lot of food wastage. Due to this beef requires 28 times more land to produce than pork or chicken (Carrington). I am still consuming butter, cheese and milk but because cows are able to produce far more of this than milk there is a lot less environmental effect.


Most of the time I fly I am going back to Australia for holidays to see family so I don’t really think I will stop flying but there are ways to make it more sustainable. I will try to take non stop flights because there is a lot of fuel usage in landing and take off. For flights under 300 miles, I will consider if I can take a car, bus or train depending on the situation, I will think about the amount of weight that I am taking in luggage onto the plane because any extra weight that is used will be decreasing the fuel efficiency, I know that there are also carbon offset programs but I am not sure I would ever actually spend that much but it will be something that I am considering. As I mentioned I have stopped eating beef but I am still drinking milk and eating cheese and butter, I will consider reducing these but I am not sure how much I will be able to. When I next need a toothbrush, soap or other toiletries I will buy from here this will reduce packaging and minimise waste. If I was to only make one change it would definitely be the flying and all the points I mentioned above



Heslop, D. Alan. “Political System.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 17 Mar. 2017,


Weise, Elizabeth. “Flying Is Bad for the Environment, Here Are Some Tips to Make It Less Carbon-Intensive.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 27 Dec. 2018,


Carrington, Damian. “Giving up Beef Will Reduce Carbon Footprint More than Cars, Says Expert.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 21 July 2014,

Initial Individual Reflection

Decision making:

At the start of this project, I found that flying is one of the biggest contributors to the carbon footprint. And I know that UWC teachers usually fly a lot. My partner and I decided to focus on transportation, we also found that farming animals is a massive contributor to carbon footprint so we decided to ask about food consumption. We knew that we would face a challenge that a lot of the teachers are already sustainable, especially Ms Veron and her family.

Ms Veron said that she flies a lot but it is mostly for family reasons so I don’t think it would be reasonable to ask her to limit that (I have the same problem of flying too much). We found that she has a small garden so we decided to suggest composting because that is something that we do and I think it is working for us

World of Work Initial Reflection


  • Describe your individual process of job search:
  • What were your goals and expectations?

To find a job that is something that I would consider that I am considering for my actual future and something that I genuinely find interesting

  • Were you able to meet your goals?

PE is something that I am actually considering for my future life and career and something that I believe I am interested in

  • How close to your expectations was the actual outcome?

I was able to get the internship that I first signed up for

  • What have you learned through the process?

I have learnt how to write a resume for a specific area of work and then how to write emails to apply for work experience

  • What skills have you learned or applied?

I have learnt how to write a resume for a specific area of work and then how to write emails for work experience

  • In what other situations or areas in your life might you apply the same skills and learning?

When applying or a real-life job

  • What are some of your goals for your World of Learning Week internship?

To know what a real work environment is and would PE be something that I would be interested in

  • What might be some factors to consider when defining your goals?

My own ability now and the fact that I haven’t done this sort of work before

  • After recording your summer internship experience, what would you want to see/hear in yourself as you look back?

As I look back on the process I think that I have effectively applied for a work experience position


Recording my work:

Photographs of working

Writing notes when actually in the environment

Asking the employer to take notes at the end of the week about some of the things I have done

Taking notes on particularly hard tasks







About Me Page

Sean Toms

Australia -10 NiB-
Browse Photos

Sean Toms 

Nulla eros erat, ornare a tristique eu, ultrices et ipsum. Fusce elit tortor, iaculis ac ullamcorper ut, eleifend non arcu. Aenean id mi ligula. Vivamus sagittis eu velit ac suscipit. Nullam viverra arcu nec euismod aliquet. Nunc eu felis a sem pulvinar fermentum vel ut ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tincidunt euismod sodales. Ut cursus, urna non posuere convallis, libero sem feugiat massa, vitae auctor lacus dolor ut ex. Vestibulum ac rutrum nulla.

Nulla facilisi. Maecenas eleifend at elit at auctor. Nullam ac purus non eros efficitur feugiat nec eget sapien. Duis vitae neque dignissim, fermentum ipsum ultricies, feugiat lorem. Quisque id elementum libero, in dignissim arcu. Praesent malesuada risus ut urna dictum, at sollicitudin sapien varius. Nam ut dictum enim.

Cras id metus porta, sagittis metus nec, pretium risus. Etiam commodo urna in orci bibendum fringilla. Donec pulvinar lectus quis rutrum ultrices. Nulla augue purus, convallis eget nulla in, eleifend vulputate libero. Nunc volutpat non arcu vitae faucibus. Phasellus ornare ullamcorper egestas. Proin vel elementum purus. Quisque suscipit, urna ut scelerisque pulvinar, leo lectus congue ipsum, vitae viverra elit nisi vel risus. Aliquam ullamcorper molestie neque at malesuada. In ut bibendum ante.

“Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamc. Sed do eiusmod tempor ut labore et dolore magna enim.”

Tamim Joyardar

Managing Director, Cora Ltd

“Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamc. Sed do eiusmod tempor ut labore et dolore magna enim.”

Hasan Milon

Managing Director, Cora Ltd

Writers Fortnight Reflection

Re Cycle Service

 These are the 2 bikes that I have been working on in the course of the ReCycle

With the help of my group, we have mostly started to fix our bike and make it rideable again


This is a photo of the bike that I am currently fixing with my partners (Mishka and Jack). This bike is really rusty and missing some parts so it is a definite challenge. We have managed to fix quite a few things but this bike is still a work in progress.

In this service, I have made some new friends and been able to apply my knowledge of bikes. I think that there are a few times that the bikes that come in are in a very bad state and I think they will take more money to fix properly than a cheap new bike but with our commitment to the environment this would not be sustainable


Partner challenge Post

Here is our project planner


20 – 25-second intro music

Screenshot of intro music in GarageBand


20 – 25 Second Outro music

Screenshot of outro music in GarageBand


Screenshot of google reminder:

(We just need a reminder on the first day to turn our notifications off then not turn them on until Friday)