EE Reflection conversation 3

I thoroughly enjoyed researching this EE, although my ideas have been realised to a large extent. I believe this is due to the amount of information that was available to me, harnessing energy from earthquakes is a new idea, if I were to do the research again I might change and apply the same theory to implementing piezoelectric transducers as shock absorbers in buildings. I believe this would have led to a similar outcome but I would have had more information available. For my EE I was able to connect some dots on my own and speculate in areas which there was not a lot of information on, by using deductive reasoning and logic for areas such as the cost of implementation. I found very interesting pieces of information which I will remember for the future.

EE Reflection 2

I have finished all my research on the possibilities of using earthquakes as an energy source. I know why they happen, what kind of energy, and methods of potential energy collection. One challenge I face now is figuring out the geography aspect, how this affects Japan’s demographics. My supervisor suggested I could solve this problem by meeting with a geography teacher. I went to meet a geography teacher at my school, after meeting him I had a better idea of how earthquakes affect Japan and their energy source usage. My next step is to gather a bit more information on japan and add it to my extended essay.

EE reflection 1

I brainstormed topics which I have interest in, such as science and technological inventions, I went and further looked into new renewable potential energy sources. I choose world studies because I felt that it would allow me to explore broader concepts in my topic. I ultimately chose earthquakes as a potential energy source because I knew I would enjoy this topic and be able to write a good EE on it. My first concerns included finding adequate resources related to harnessing energy from earthquakes. So I went away from the reflection session and looked in various places – the library, internet, google scholar and asked the librarians for help.

Pre-season Touch Rugby G12 2019 + Brisbane

Every year the seniors of the team graduate, with losing members of the team, we had new members who joined. I developed new skills in collaboration. We had to work together to achieve an outcome. I collaborated with previous teammates, as well as new teammates. At first, it was difficult, as we were not familiar with each others playing style and we did not have flow, as we played more together and bonded as a family we gained flow. This was especially true in a few of our games in Brisbane. The Brisbane Touch trip (we played in All school touch championships) really allowed us to bond as a family and get to know each other, making us gain flow. In Touch it is a team-based sport, we need to work hard for each other in order to win, therefore collaboration is extremely important. 



Project Week



Before departing on Project week, we had to go through a planning document to ensure that everything was planned and safe. Lucky we all wanted to do the same thing, therefore the planning went pretty smoothly. I planed the hotel which we stayed at, doing research into what areas where safe and practical for our activities and service. I coordinated the service soi dogs, sending emails back and forth. I coordinated with Mellissa, who worked at soi dogs, we ran into an issue here, as when we arrived at Phuket I sent another confirmation email to which I was surprised was Mellissa no longer worked there, this caused a challenge of us getting there, as she confirmed our pick up. We solved this by taking a local taxi to Soi dogs on the first day and confirmed with them there on the transportation. From this, I have learned that in the future I would email them prior to leaving.

I would say the biggest difficulty was our age, all of us being under 18 caused issues when checking into the hotel, as well as in soi dogs. But it was all resolved as for the hotel they called our parents which sorted it all out. And as for soi dogs, our age didn’t seem to matter when we got there, We just had to fill out the volunteering forms.



Project Week

During our project week, there were serval ethical implications of actions which I had to consider. To determine what is the right or wrong course of action. I faced ethical decision during the diving activity, as I was surrounded by beautiful corals, and aquatic life which I wanted to touch as it seemed interesting, new and I was naturally curious. But this imposed an ethical issue, as if I touched the corals I would get short term happiness, but I would be damaging the coral, and this causes a long-term effect of ruining our already fragile oceans. I based my decision on not touching the aquatic life, as in the long term effect I wouldn’t wanna do anything which further destroys our ocean if I had the choice.



Circle Enterprise

I worked with students from various grades, ranging from grade 9 to grade 11, along with a few middle schoolers who would sometimes join us. It was easy working together, as we were in smaller groups working on our bikes in groups. The main challenges were that none of us in the service had really deconstructed a bike, and rebuild it. We overcame this challenge by working together and helping each other out.

Here an image of the poster made by Ishaan and I to be used in the following years. ,

Touch Rugby

Photos above are from SEASAC

In season 2, I part took in touch rugby. I am in the U19A team. I learned so much about collaboration through out this season, as we are nearing the end of the season and right now we are playing in SEASAC. We are 1 day into SEASAC. I collaborated with my teammates. I found it really easy to work with everyone in the team, as everyone is so sweet, kindhearted and supportive. It is easy to work and also very fun to play with your friends. Over the course of the season as we are in the end of the season I have grown close to the team, and it feels like we are truly a family. Collaboration is extremely important in this sport, it was crucial that we worked well together, as touch is a team sport. In order to succeed we had to work together, to achieve our goal, whether that be wining the game, succeeding a new move etc.

Last Day of SEASAC, we came in 3rd place. I was slightly disappointed as the Dover came first and Tanglin came 2nd and during the season we beat both of these teams. But overall I am happy we placed in the top 3, and the rugby boys managed to carry home 1st place so it was a great last SEASAC day.

Touch Rugby

After season 1 pre season touch, I had some previous experience with touch. Because of my previous experience, I learned about awareness, knowing what I am good at, my strengths, what I would like to improve. My previous involvement in this activity made me more self aware about my strengths and weaknesses. Using this awareness it allowed me to place myself effectively during the games, so that it increases our chances of wining. I struggled in some areas like the new moves, as I have not been playing as long as some of the other players and the moves were completely new to me, but not as new to the others. Knowing this was one of my weaknesses, on the field I would try my best to keep a high level of communication, asking questions when I was unsure of what to do.