HS Basketball 19&U C Boys

I have been playing basketball for less than a year, and since it is my last year, I decided that I wanted to try out for the team. I made the C team, however, I knew that I wasn’t that great of a player. My dribbling with my left hand wasn’t very strong as well as my layups. I decided to work on these areas of the sport by building up arm strength and practising, basic drills over and over again. Now, after some time, I can say that I feel a lot more comfortable dribbling with my left and right hand, as well as laying up from both the left and right sides. However, I still feel like I can work on my execution speed as well as the speed that I run at when dribbling.

Me in a home game

HS Cross Country Team 19&U A Boys

I joined the HS Cross Country team during the middle of the season. I was convinced by a friend to join in order to train for the NS IPPT 2.4 km run. Before I started Cross Country, my stamina during the 2.4 km run was really bad. I could run fast at the start, but couldn’t maintain it. This made me realise that I needed to work on managing my stamina. In Cross Country, we did a lot of endurance training and 5 km training. Over the course of the activity, I can say that my stamina has improved. I can now run 5km with only 1-2 breaks in between, this shows that I can run for longer periods of time.

I didn’t make the SEASAC team, however, hopefully I will be able to make the Track and Field SEASAC team in any of the runs, as that is what I was aiming to achieve. I am confident that my 2.4km time has improved after all the training at Cross Country.

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