1. Herbert Lohmus

    Excellent Episode of the UAC Podcast. I love that you are able to dissect this quite an emotional and delicate topic with a sense of humor and whim natural to you. As a student going through this process and having applied for ED I know exactly the feelings you outlined. I think it is not bad to have this sense of idealism and high aspiration, but it is absolutely crucial to ask the question whether if an institution that I am applying to really is the best choice and do I really fit in. I am also one of those lonely wanderers, who is not a 100% sure on what he/she wants to do and the fact that you mention this as a completely natural thing I think will help a lot of students listening to this podcast.

    • Patrick Desbarats

      Herbert – thank you for your response to the podcast. It is great to hear from a student and great to have validation in our efforts! Good luck this week with the ED decision!

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