Challenges in G11 & G12

In grade 11 I had two main struggles, one being my ability to balance everything at once. This included my subjects, CAS and other aspects, more related to my personal life. One way which I was able to tackle this was by keeping a schedule of all the different commitments in my life, this helped me have a better idea of the amount of time I had and how I could change certain commitments to help myself with others. What PSE also helped me with is the ability to keep a growth mindset through the year as it helped me stay positive through the process.

Something which I don’t think I have been as successful at is the CAS reflections, this is because I didn’t account for the reflections and ended up leaving them for the last minute which made it hard to finish later on because of the lack of time.

In grade 12, what I know that I will have a challenge it is to finish my EE, this is because our first submission is on the first day back and that means it has to be done on the break. Other struggles include completing the other IA’s especially Computer Science as it is very time consuming and can be very hard to finish. Something which I can do to help me finish includes talking to my supervisor.

PSE Gender Bias Reflection


In what ways do you see Gender Bias or Gender Privilege in…..

your family?

In my family, there is a low amount of gender bias as both my sister and I are mostly treated equally. Although there is some leniency towards me over my sister from my grandfather as he does have some older stereotypes which he was raised in.

your community?

In my community, there is little to no gender bias or privilege towards any gender as the country which I live in is far more developed than other countries and there is a much better and open community which accepts female equality and have both laws and morals put into place which helps with a decrease of gender bias.

Your World?

In our world, there is a lot of gender bias, mainly towards men, and although there have been actions that attempt to change and decrease gender bias and privilege, there is still a high amount of gender bias which is still present.

During our final activity last week, you were given a role and asked to step forward when answer questions about self-determination, education, safety, etc.

What role did you have? Where did you finish in comparison to others? Why?

I had the role of Female doctor. I ended up quite high in the chain compared to others and I think that this is because of the occupation which I had been given and I don’t think that there is any correlation to my position to the chain which is related with the gender I was assigned in the activity.

In your view, what are the drivers for social mobility in society? In what instances to do gender limit that mobility?

One of the main drivers in social mobility is the gender, this is because there has been a long chain in the past which the main leaders in control were male and some carry on this trend by trying to keep their eldest sons as the one to inherit the family fortune and name. But there have been some changes which have been improving social mobility regardless of gender.

List some personal examples of either experiencing or seeing gender bias or gender privilege.

On my older schools, there were quite a few cases of gender bias in cases where guys would revert to stereotypical jokes and would address the woman in ways that would diminish them and would also have thoughts about lower expectations for women.

What can you do within your community to combat negative gender stereotypes or gender bias?

In my community there already are a really high amount of actions which combat negative gender stereotypes. This makes it easier to support the movement against gender bias by providing support for the actions done and also raising awareness by talking about gender bias.

Truity Types

My personality type which I am is an INFP which is called a mediator, on the website it talks about mediators being caring and helpful to others. One aspect of the personality which I can relate to very well is the Introverted part, this is because I do see myself as introverted because when I am resting or relaxing I would much rather be alone than be with anyone else because that way I can have some time for myself. Although at first, I was surprised and skeptical about my personality type because of a statistic about my personality type gaining the second lowest amount of income, I now agree because now when I am working I enjoy helping others much more than gaining any sort of profit. And by looking at examples of people which had similar personality types, I realized that I can relate really well to the ones I know.