Volleyball B # 1, 22nd October 2019

This year, I have once again decided to try out for volleyball and play the sport for season 1. I enjoy the activity and think that this year, my main goal is to be able to serve and spike consistently. My main goal of this season is to play the role of right-wing to have the opportunity to spike. As I play this year, I hope that I learn to become more involved with the rest of the team by being more committed and involved compared to the rest of the team.

Volleyball undertakes challenges and also requires a lot of collaboration. Because no member can play to their full potential in a volleyball game alone, I believe that collaboration is crucial, and although some may not know the other members well, it is important to understand to be respectful as they are the ones on your team. As for the challenge, in my opinion, I believe that volleyball is a constant challenge that I will always face in order to propel myself forward in terms of skill in sports. And the achievements of this year was staggering as we won many matches compared to last year when we lost no match at all.

ITP #1, 17th October 2019

On ITP, I am able to learn more skills in playing my chosen instrument, the bass. I am currently taking a break from learning how to play walking bass lines, and I have been practicing on how to improve my mechanical playing as I think that is what I should be focusing on.

I think that ITP requires a lot of commitment as the course suggests with a lot of consistent practice in order to keep up with the learning progress. This has been proven to be a challenge on many occasions as it requires me to balance out both my IB work and ITP practice. It is also a constant challenge as I need to keep trying new pieces and techniques which I still don’t feel comfortable at, which can prove to be a problem at times as it can be very frustrating, but by keeping at it, the payoff is immensely satisfying.

Culturama South Korea #1, October 4th 2019

This year will be my second time performing culturama and it has been an intimidating but rewarding experience. This year, most people which I previously knew are now no longer in school and won’t be doing culturama, meaning that as I came into practices I was trying to get to know others better than before. Now as time has progressed, I feel more comfortable to talk to the others, which is really helpful as it allows me to improve my dancing because I can ask others freely for advice.

I think this tackles LO 1 as I then am able to access what I am able to do and what I can’t do. After going through the practices, I am able to access what are the areas which I struggle with and what I am able to do. I think that compared to last year, I have greatly improved in my skills in dancing as I am more familiar with it.

Floorball #1, May 28th 2019

Having done other sports, I am currently not uncomfortable with learning a new sport, but on the other hand, because it is a brand new sport, it can be at times hard to play well to the point where I can fully enjoy the game. Because floorball is held on Friday after school, it is hard to keep going as it requires a lot of commitment, as although it is a short session, there are times which I would prefer to do something else regardless.

At the same time, it has been a challenge as learning how to play a new sport can be hard, especially when playing with groups of people on different levels. It also approaches LO4 as the commitment was really hard, being the season before the end of the year and also being on Friday.

PSE Gender Bias Reflection


In what ways do you see Gender Bias or Gender Privilege in…..

your family?

In my family, there is a low amount of gender bias as both my sister and I are mostly treated equally. Although there is some leniency towards me over my sister from my grandfather as he does have some older stereotypes which he was raised in.

your community?

In my community, there is little to no gender bias or privilege towards any gender as the country which I live in is far more developed than other countries and there is a much better and open community which accepts female equality and have both laws and morals put into place which helps with a decrease of gender bias.

Your World?

In our world, there is a lot of gender bias, mainly towards men, and although there have been actions that attempt to change and decrease gender bias and privilege, there is still a high amount of gender bias which is still present.

During our final activity last week, you were given a role and asked to step forward when answer questions about self-determination, education, safety, etc.

What role did you have? Where did you finish in comparison to others? Why?

I had the role of Female doctor. I ended up quite high in the chain compared to others and I think that this is because of the occupation which I had been given and I don’t think that there is any correlation to my position to the chain which is related with the gender I was assigned in the activity.

In your view, what are the drivers for social mobility in society? In what instances to do gender limit that mobility?

One of the main drivers in social mobility is the gender, this is because there has been a long chain in the past which the main leaders in control were male and some carry on this trend by trying to keep their eldest sons as the one to inherit the family fortune and name. But there have been some changes which have been improving social mobility regardless of gender.

List some personal examples of either experiencing or seeing gender bias or gender privilege.

On my older schools, there were quite a few cases of gender bias in cases where guys would revert to stereotypical jokes and would address the woman in ways that would diminish them and would also have thoughts about lower expectations for women.

What can you do within your community to combat negative gender stereotypes or gender bias?

In my community there already are a really high amount of actions which combat negative gender stereotypes. This makes it easier to support the movement against gender bias by providing support for the actions done and also raising awareness by talking about gender bias.

PSE Reflection Unit 1 IDE

At the start of the unit, we separated the class into four groups depending on what personalities we had when in a group. I thought I identified more with the caring personality, this meant that in a group task something I would focus more into is to make sure everyone is on board with what the group is doing. The advantages of having this personality when working in a group include having a better environment as more feel comfortable, and having many other opinions and ideas, on the other hand, the disadvantage is that the process tends to become slower than usual group tasks.

Then we talked about emotional intelligence and how to improve it. I think that a good way in which I can improve emotional intelligence is by trying to understand more about others and how to judge others personalities. Grit was another topic we had observed, this was showing the value of having grit and opinions on how to improve grit. I understood that the value of grit is that in the IB grit helps with persevering and not giving up which is crucial as there are many hard tasks that are given, being a mixture of both long-term and short-term tasks which make it hard to manage and really need grit in order to keep doing it while managing other tasks both in and out of school. Self-control compliments grit as having self-control can make it easier to juggle all the different commitments that I need to attend to and not be too focused on only one commitment and then struggle later on with catching up on the rest.