Culturama South Korea #1, October 4th 2019

This year will be my second time performing culturama and it has been an intimidating but rewarding experience. This year, most people which I previously knew are now no longer in school and won’t be doing culturama, meaning that as I came into practices I was trying to get to know others better than before. Now as time has progressed, I feel more comfortable to talk to the others, which is really helpful as it allows me to improve my dancing because I can ask others freely for advice.

I think this tackles LO 1 as I then am able to access what I am able to do and what I can’t do. After going through the practices, I am able to access what are the areas which I struggle with and what I am able to do. I think that compared to last year, I have greatly improved in my skills in dancing as I am more familiar with it.

Unplugged 30th October 2018

When participating in unplugged, my initial aim was to learn my part very well and play together with the rest of my band, as time passed my choice had changed because I then thought more about something more challenging for me which was to do some improvisation. This was really hard because I had never done any improvisation. The hard part of improvisation when I am new is that I don’t know how it will turn out until the end when I finish the improvisation. Nevertheless, I have progressed learning more about improvisation and playing the song. As I performed the song, unfortunately, there was one of the strings of my instrument that was untuned and I forgot to tune it, the problem is that most of the improvisation and a large part of the climax of the song is played on that string which had made it hard to play.

I think that I used both LO 1 and 2, I think I had challenged myself quite a lot by trying to play one of the harder pieces of music that I have played until this day. This helped me as I became aware of my learning curve and how I should improve on certain aspects because there were quite a lot of parts of the song we were performing which was really hard to tackle and was something which I have not done before.

On the performance itself, I had found it a strong challenge as the event is held quite intimate as the audience is very close and it is quite obvious when mistakes are made. This made it a very high risk to try to play a hard song in this scenario, one of the larger problems held was that there when I performed, there was something wrong and the tunings of the bass guitar was off making it not possible for me to play the main bass riff which is played commonly across the song as it brings a climax to each verse, unfortunately, because of this, I was unable to play that part and had to stop playing every time it was the end of the first verse. Because of this, the performance was quite a letdown to me but other than that I was still able to realize I was out of tune in time and was able to avoid the whole performance from sounding bad in the event.

Tabitha GC #3, 14th February 2019

Recently, our group of the grade 11 Tabitha GC has decided not to go on the project week trip as the trip is going to be very expensive and there are many which are struggling to commit to the service. Because I have a performance coming up of playing the marimba, I have been unable to attend, but have been able to help out with the events when needed, this is because the time clashes together. What I have been having a struggle with especially is the clash between both these CAS activities as they both are very important to me. In order to compensate, I have to keep looking and keep myself updated with what is happening in the Tabitha GC and as the time progresses and soon I will finish the marimba performance and be able to attend the GC meetings as well, facilitating myself with keeping updated.

Volleyball B Team #2, 7th December 2018

As the season draws near to a close, there are many things I have learned from doing Volleyball B Team, although it is one of my first activities in this school, there are many things I already am aware of which I should improve in. I have tackled LO1 which is that I have become more aware of what I am doing wrong and what I could improve for next season, this is because I have become more experienced in the sport and am now learning more about my hitting skills which I lack on.

Culturama Reflection #2, 10th October 2018

A few days ago I have finished my culturama performance which was the final product of the dance which we have practiced and is now polished. My goal by the end of this performance is to have a sense of accomplishment in finishing the dance which I think I have achieved. Also, I am proud to have finished my performance and danced with the rest of my dance group. The LOs which I believe I have reached an almost have achieved is Awareness as when working on this LO I have become aware of how I have improved quite a lot with dancing but how there are many things I could improve especially looking back on my performance.

I think that overall I have achieved my goals on learning on how to dance, I think that after performing, I have gained a lot more confidence towards performing in public as it was something far from my comfort zone but as the event has ended, I have become much more confident and am looking forward towards doing another performance.

Student Voice #1, 12th September 2019

Currently, I have finished going to student voice and I think that it is a very important CAS as there are many things which the meetings help out with. One of the actions which student voice helps out which includes keeping all of the different classes in the grade updated about what are the important notes in the school. I think that this Creativity CAS effects LO1 as I have now become more aware of what I do. This is because I have been in similar activity but before it was very different as I now find it harder because of how I am currently in a new environment and I don’t know much about the school, making it hard to speak up. I think that other than speaking up I don’t have any other difficulties, but nevertheless, it is quite hard to get used to and is something I strive to improve by next time.

Special Olympics Badminton #1, 6th September 2018

Today I just finished my first session with the Special Olympics, this was a very useful session as although we didn’t play badminton with the people with disabilities, we did investigate what they do and what we can offer in order to help out the athletes. First of all, we had a lot more understanding of how to act towards them and smaller things in order to help create a bond faster such as their interests and what they like to do. We had a brainstorm with the structure of CAS and what part of CAS we are going to do when doing the special Olympics badminton.

My own personal goals are to get better at badminton and to improve my bonds with the special people. I also want to become more aware and raise awareness in some way, however, my goals still have some risks, this includes having to go out of my comfort zone and try to talk to these special people which I don’t know too well. I think that this CAS has a high need for a lot of commitment as the time of the CAS is at 7 to 9 at night on Thursday, although the time is hard to manage I think that it is still worth doing because it is such a great experience.

The learning outcomes this activity focuses on is was mostly LO 1, LO 4, LO 5 and LO 6. This activity has helped me have better awareness because it has helped me learn more about them and learn more about how I should learn in order to know more about the people that have different abilities. I had also learned that I need to learn more about how to interact with the people that have specialized abilities, as it is hard to know what to say and what not to say. The Special Olympics Badminton had also challenged my commitment because the time which the activity is held is at a late time and the way which I stay motivated in order to keep going is by using my time which I have before the CAS to study and do everything I need to do so by the time I go home I can go rest. In this session of Special Olympics Badminton, all the students had collaborated together and tried to get to learn more about each other, one activity that we had done is that we brainstormed ideas with each other as a group of our own skills and what activities we can do with the sports players, initially it was hard to do because we didn’t feel very comfortable on sharing our own skills and we didn’t really know about each other either. We had overcome our difficulties with each other by doing some icebreakers activities with each other. Finally, this activity has a relationship with the global issues, this is because by playing and learning how to play badminton with these athletes shows equality to those who have special abilities and need some support in order to be able to play, and now that I have learned much more about the athletes I learned more about how they deserve the same or even more amount of care and support to play the sports that they would like.