
What is context? – brainstorming

  • A there
  • Affect and determine the meaning in an indirect way
  • Wilder perspective, bigger picture
  • It is an overreaching there that determines the meaning and the  value of the text in an indirect way
  • Provides a better understanding

Different types of context:

  • TIME: temporal context
  1. The context of production – when was it made
  2. The context of reception – when is it read
  • PLACE: geographical context
  1. The context of production – where was it made
  2. The context of reception – where is it read
  • POLITICAL context
  • SOCIO context: society
  • HISTORICAL context
  • CULTURAL context: values and beliefs represented
  • SITUATIONAL context
  • PRODUCER context
  • GENERATIONAL context: age
  • SITUATIONAL context: the situation of creation/production affects the way how the audience receives the text -> effects the meaning -> fluid context


  • Context
  • Reception
  • Audience
  • Purpose
  • Style

What are the parts of someone’s personal context:

  • Age
  • Gender <- SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS: what it is to be a man/woman, what is the conventional male/female behaviour
  • Where did you grow up?
  • Where did you live?
  • Where are you living now?
  • Family background
  • Religion
  • Life experience
  • Which social group(s) do you belong to?
  • Education
  • Nationality(s)
  • Class -> socio-economic background
  • Education
  • Pop culture
  • What is your mother tongue?
  • Which languages do you speak?
  • What are you interested in?
  • What activities are you doing?

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