Collaboration and CultuRama

Dancing. Or more?

I’ve always loved music and dancing, but after my ballet ‘career’ ended in kindergarten, I’ve mostly only done it when noone was around. When the CultuRama sign-ups started, I know that I’ll break this, and audition for the show which everyone was talking about. I was really scared at the beginning, especially when it came to dancing at the stage almost alone, during the auditioning, but even at that early stage of the preparation to the show, I felt the support of my future dance leader, and the other students who were also auditioning, so I just did my best and hoped for being selected…

Some weeks later, I finally got the email with the happy news, that I had been selected to the Italy dance, so my CultuRama journey officially began. Later on, when the actual practices started, even though the spirit and the funny mood of the selection  stayed the same, we had to realise that just having fun in a group but only taking care of our personal interests is not enough. We had  to start working really as a team, rather than as a bunch of people who spend one lunch break together every week. All of us had to make some sacrifices to go to the practices, even if they were weekend ones. And at the practices, each and every of us had to put all of our concentration and effort together to be able to not only learn the movements, but learn how synchronise it with the others, especially when it came to position changing. There were lots of loud counting (one-two-THREE-four), spinning (entitle clockwise or counter clockwise?), jumping (do the skippy steps) and bouncing (the more you bounce, the better it will look). Again and again, with and without music, in costumes and in everyday clothes. The more we practiced, the better the group spirit became. We laughed more, we talked more, we helped each other more.  So even if it was not easy, it was such a huge fun.

Just like the shows themsleves. The CultuRama week was the climax of the story. With lots of practices, long hours spent in the auditorium, late night IMPORTANT group chat messages, several run-throughs ,and at the end, three performances spread to two nights. At these two nights, I learned a lot. About leaving my comfort zone (and entering the stage), being the part of a bigger something and doing my work really together with others. When everyone’s work is equally significant. Since the smooth run and the success of the show was our overall and common goal, all the leaders, dancers, committee members, technical stuff, musicians and stage directors did their best and helped wherever they could to whoever they could. With doing makeup, hair braiding and curling, forwarding messages between different dressing rooms, assisting at the last practices, taking group pictures and giving empty boxes to the building the Tower of PIZZA.  Even though the CultuRama committee members and leaders organised and planned the event (which for a huge thank you again, since they made an amazing job), at the end, we, together made the show to what is was.

And I cannot be grateful  enough that I had the chance of being the part of it.


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