Challenge and MUN

Something different.

What I’ve never done before, but I always wanted to.  The time I’ve gotten to know that MUN is available in the school, applying was obvious for me, since global politics and the solution of the issues of the World always interested me. When I was younger, I sometimes were wondering how would it feel to be one of the people who make the decisions in e.g. UN or EU, which affect the lives of millions of people, large economies and global relations. Even though I knew that the work of these people is extremely complex, difficult, requires a holistic view and includes a huge responsibility, I sometimes was playing with the idea of how would I act, react and decide if I were in their shoes. But these were just some thinking sessions with myself, and nothing more. I’ve never really participated in anything where I actually could said these secret thoughts out, and experience a little bit of how does it really feel to be in a situation where you have to make decisions in not just your own name, but in the name of a country (or countries) of people. MUN gives me an opportunity to change this. To research, plan, think, and then stand up to talk, argue and make a solution (even if it is just a simulated one).  Amazing, isn’t it?

Before my first session, I was so ready to start. Couldn’t wait to get into brainstorming about countries, issues and solutions. But at the first MUN training of mine, I had to realise that MUN is ways more that I ever would have thought. Since I’m a complete beginner, we did not talk about issues and solutions at the first session. Not even on the second or third or sixth. We were talking about MUN terminology, MUN protocols and the way how the conferences run. Lots of complicated and completely new terms and expression, which must be learned before someone goes to a conference. Even though it sounds naïve, I was surprised, maybe even a bit disappointed. It was not wat I was waiting for. From week to week, concentrating on loads of new terminology on Wednesday afternoons… Managing to overview the things before the next session… Getting into something completely new, only through learning motions, expressions and other MUN related terms without seeing what their real meaning is… Not easy. But of course, absolute necessary, since the formalities are really important parts of MUN, and without knowing them, it is impossible to participate on a conference. So I had to get myself together, stay focused and concentrated (even if the temptation of just quietly sitting in one corner of the room and wondering about nothing instead of actively participating was good on those Wednesday afternoons) to build the basis, where than later will give me the opportunity to actually start working on solutions of problems in MUN conferences.

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