Initiative and Dragon Ventures

Everything is up to you.

I can surely say, that the Dragon Ventures is one of my favourite CAS activities. And at the same time, it is the one where I personally have the biggest responsibility to determine what I’ll get out from it. Dragon Ventures is about dreaming big, having the courage to say the dreams out loud with confidence…. and then, try to turn them into reality. Sounds perfect and easy, isn’t it? Every tool and opportunity are given, you only have to take those steps and then, wish for luck and success. If you’re good at what you’re doing, at the end of the year, you’ll have your own start-up with the needed financial background and some professional business people behind your back who’ll support you.

So what should you exactly do to reach this dream-state? You have to really think about what are you interested in and what are you passionate about the most. Passion and enthusiasm are essential for success. As the next step, you may gain some theoretical knowledge about how starting a business works. Afterwards, you should find out what your business is gonna be. To my mind, this is the hardest part. Even though I started Dragon Ventures with millions of ideas in hand, I had to realise that Singapore is such a special market, where my ideas made back home may won’t succeed. So I created new plans with  my business teammates. We pitched them to the DV community, listened to their suggestions, re-made the plans, pitched again…. And at the end, we came up with something brand new, something what was completely different from our original idea.

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