Practice IO planning document


Global Issue: Culture, Identity & Community
Focus question (or statement): How different literary techniques emphasize the importance of the Wolf’s rule in the maturation of the protagonist in Carol Ann Duffy’s Little Red-Cap


Introduction (thesis): Overview of text, context and focus question (1 minute)

  • The poem was published in 1999 as the 1st text in the “The World’s wife” collection
  • The whole book is about rewriting and reimagining different well-known stories -> here the story of Little Red Riding Hood originally written by the Grimm brothers
  • Bibliographical aspect: Duffy was 16 when he met Adrien Henri (39) at one of his gigs in Liverpool, they lived together for over 10 years
  • He was her first love, very influential and unforgettable
  • The whole idea of love, growing up, experiencing the real world and gaining independence


Exploration: Context, Concepts, Features of the text, link back to focus question (8 mins)

  1. “At childhood’s end” -> set the scene at the beginning, then while using several alliterations gets to the end of the woods (folklore)
  2. “Reading his verse” + “What big…” -> the wolf if something she’s never seen before, but she is really attracted to him, so do the Wolf, he’s interested in the naiv, young girls who’s alone at the gig -> internal rhymes
  3.  Childhood and innocence dies, “my first” -> enjambment, “woods” -> motif, the “night” -> a line just for this worlds (layout) PHYSICAL RELATIONSHIP, “there” + “lair” + “beware” -> internal rhyme
  4. White dove – metaphor, symbol
  5.  “Book” -> its own line INTELLECTUAL RELATIONSHIP, ‘w’ alliteration + “blood” -> language, the music of words
  6.  Bittersweet ending with “awe”s and “flowers” -> good things came from the relationship, but she had to kill it (the wolf) so she could find out who she is


Conclusion (1 min) Context, overview of text and body of work, link back to focus question

  • Both the layout and several literary techniques emphasize certain moments of the story
  • We can use the bibliographical knowledge but cannot treat the poem as if it would be the truth written down about them
  • Using the Little Red Hood frame also gives an extra layer + a comical tone

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