
The ancient greek myth of Thetis: 

  • she was  a sea goddess
  •  she was destined to bear a son bigger than his father
  •  Zeus made her merry a mortal, Peleus (originally Zeus and Posseidon wanted to marry her, but the prophecy prevented them from it)
  •  She could shapeshift, and tried to escape from the arranged life/marriage, but Peleus had to hold her tight and prevented from it
  • at the end, she married Peleus, and their wedding was one of the causes of the war of Troja (golden apple + who is the most beautiful story)
  • they had a son, called Achilles (who she wanted to make immortal by dipping him into the river Styx, although she did it by she was holding his heel) -> her fate/ destiny was set to her


  • at the beginning of each stanza, she transforms into something different, and at the end of each stanza, we can see her being hunted down
  • she has no control over her freedom, always being pursued
  • in the ses she seems to be herself (-> her sea goddess nature?)
  • giving birth at the very end: 
  • does the pursuit end?
  •  are women expected to conformate social expectations if they do not, are they pursued?
  •  3 interpretations:
  1. She had a child -> she was “desexualised”
  2. The metamorphosis was freedom to her
  3. This last metamorphosis bring freedom to her
  • Is it possible that she only became dominated when she becomes a mother?
  • Allusions:
  1. Albatros:  seabird ->The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  2. The Crucifixion of Christ

Elliptic: not complete

 One of the main topics: power & powernesless -> various metaphors represent the ways she would like to maintain freedom

 Succumbing to social pressure


  • Free verse, using a variety of punctuation and enjambment
  • Structured free verse: 
  1.  irregular lines -> the length of the lines is not the same
  • 6 lines -> sestets
  • Rhyme <-> pararhyme: 
  1. emphasise certain ideas
  2. all about the sound
  3. links stanzas
  • Polysyndeton and asyndeton

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