SWOT analysis and Lighthouse

A well-needed session.

To my mind, our service is doing good, but not as good as it could do. We do have our strengths, and our meetings with the kids are usually enjoyable, but at the same time, we face lots of difficulties and problems. Unfortunately, our biggest ones, such as that we do not really meet the children consistently and regularly, furthermore that we have a lack of communication with the Lighthouse School are out of our control, but we still have areas where we have to and able to improve.

The weaknesses and threats we discussed in this category are the following:

  • lack of personal engagement and commitment from the side of our service members: to be honest, I know that personally I have a lot to improve in this area. I love the Lighthouse service, but I know that I should put more effort into the organisation phrases of the activities. In the future, I’d like to participate in the creation of our ‘activity bank’ which we agreed on on creating, I’d like to maybe be the part of the organisation team of a school-wide awareness raising event for visually and hearing impaired people, and if possible, outside of class and service time, I’d like to learn some sign language, so I can improve my communication with the kids during the sessions.
  • repetitive activities: we’d like to put together the above mentioned ‘activity bank’ what would contain different and easily variable activities suitable for the Lighthouse kids’ needs. At most of the sessions, we would use this bank complemented with some new and original activity. We also were talking about creating a longer-term project with the kids which for we can prepare at every session (it is only possible if we can meet them regularly in the future).
  • lack of feedback from the teachers: at the end of every future session, we’d like to have short discussions with the Lighthouse teachers to see in their opinion what did we right and wrong. That also would be the first step in the way of us improving our communication with them.


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