Mrs Sisyphus

  • The foundational story of Sisyphus (ancient greek myth):
  1. Sisyphus  was the king of Corinth
  2. He and wanted to cheat death 
  3. The gods punished him
  4. He was sent  to roll a huge boulder endlessly up on a hill/ roll it up on the hill and whenever he reaches the top the rock would roll back down, so he has to start again
  • Mrs Sisyphus is very annoyed, since her husband is obsessed with his work, which about she thinks it is meaningless, unuseful (he does not think it the same way)
  • Sisyphus is really committed to his work
  • At the beginning of their relationship the things were ok for her, but now, she is very annoyed
  • She also has no fame, no nothing, just lives in the shadow  of her husband who works unstoppably
  • The poem addresses the inequality between men and women both in relationships and the area of work
  • Mrs Sisyphus’s name does not even mentioned, just like the female character’s names in the mast verse’s allusion -> they are under the name of their husbands
  • She is afraid that the husband’s work is going to destroy their relationship
  • He is ignorant about what she  wants, and does not have time for her
  • The ill of modern society -> work work work
  • The poem is questioning the repetition of life
  • A possible interpretation also contains that women are not part of the work life
  • Rhymes: repetition, the ‘cycle’
  • Almost a form of doggevel, mostly because of the rhymes
  • The poem is also very serious: due the modern take of the story

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