
  • Foundational story behind: The story of Samson and Delilah from the Bible:
  1. Samson, a hero from the kingdom of Israel had supernatural strength 
  2. He felt for a girl called Delilah who was sent from the Philistines ( Israel’s enemies)
  3. Delilha’s job was to seduce him, to find out his secrest (when his power lies?)
  4. When S fells in love with her, he tells her his secret( his power is in his hair) -> she cut his hair when he falls asleep
  • Delilah in the Biblical story: 
  1. Cold heartened
  2. Misleads Samson (the relationship means nothing to her)
  3. Really attractive -> sexual female power
  4. Uses him, and still feels nothing
  5. Samson allows himself to fall for her, even though there is a huge chance for the love to actually be a trap
  • Delilah in the poem:
  1. Caring
  2. Does what she thinks is the best for Samson
  3. Actually feels something for Samson
  • Samson has never been thought to the softer, human side
  • All he learned was how to be powerful
  • She loves her, that why she does
  • Q1: he has been seen as THE strong man, nothing more -> ironic: his feelings make him loose
  • Modern parallel to Samson: conventional notion: man has to be strong – girls are ok to cry
  • The poem is more about Samson who has been trapped by those social concepts of what it is to be a man
  • The poems were written 2o years ago: still modern, but a lot has changed 
  • Men (18-20 yrs old) has an increasing rate of suicide -> increasing demand for public movements advocationg for men talking about mental health + feelings (conventional understanding of what it is to be a man/ woman)
  • Polarisation between man and woman
  • Samson is the personification of alpha male
  • If you does not feels, you cannot empathise (Samson)
  • Bible: Judas – Delilah
  • When he is awake, he is more aware of who he is as a man -> she cuts his hair while he is sleeping
  • Intimate, personal, and about their relationship of the characters
  • Also has a wider social significance due questioning what does it mean to be a man and a woman
  • Polyvocal: Delilah + Samson

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