CAS and well being

For me, especially nowadays, when the academic pressure gets higher, getting some chance to escape from everything and clear my mind is an essential thing, and doing sports is one of the best ways to do so. But unfortunately, when it comes to sports, I am the kind of person who prioritises everything else over sports, and most of the times end up doing no physical activity. Although, since CAS is a compulsory school related thing, I can more easily convince myself to go down to the pool, and swim for that 1,5 hours, what makes miracles with me. I am more relaxes and energised, furthermore happier, since I can get rig of the stress piled up in me, so in conclusion, I can say that CAS, especially the activity part of it highly contributes to my well being.

One thought on “CAS and well being

  1. Swimming is super relaxing and therapeutic and I hope you can continue this into G12 (even when there are no demands that you continue!). Physical activity is one of the key parts of wellbeing and just allocating those few hours a week can make a massive difference

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