Project week – planning process reflection

The planning of PW started about a year ago, with the first big assemblies, the introductory lectures about the amazing PW success stories, and with the formation of the initial groups. We all know though  what happened at the end, that no-one was actually able to travel and the whole PW, after months of modifications and nervous excitement got cancelled.

The memory is still hurtful, but after all the 2020 events, to a certain extent, we all learned to look at things from a different perspective, with the focus of how we improved and grown from the experience.

With PW, for me, one of the things I learned from the project was the detailed management and documentation of the organisational process as a part of a team. I did project management before, planned several trips and events, but always did the work alone. Filling the planning document of PW together with my team members was a very new and useful experience.  We all had our assigned responsibilities and tasks to carry out, and we have to synchronise our actions to reach the results.


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