Commitment and my all time favourite summer camp

Szentes, Hungary.

The local catholic community, to be precise, a group of passionate youth in it. There are about 15 of them, some joined just thins year, some has been here for more than 10 years.

It’s 2020, so everything goes completely different from how it is usually, but in the last minute, the new from the government come, saying summer camps for children are going to be allowed this summer as well.

So there is hope. There is hope that one of my favourite parts of the summer, when me and my friends (since I’m one of the people in the above mentioned youth community) are organising and facilitating a summer camp for local children is not gonna be cancelled, not even by covid-19.

The responsibility, the pressure and the commitment is high though. It’s already the beginning of June, the camp is going to happen in 5 weeks, and due the previous restrictions, nothing really has been organised so far.

And it is only US. That about 15 people, to plan, prepare and organise everything, and to facilitate the whole camp.

If we don’t do something, it won’t be done. If we don’t meet the covid-19 restrictions, we risk the kids and their families’ health, can receive a big fine, and last but not least, the government can close the camp…

And it wouldn’t be a huge disappointment for only us. It would hurt the the feelings of the about 50 kids who we were facilitating the camp for, who come back to us year after year.

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