The Great Gatsby: Chapter 2 – notes*

We are moved to New York

Going through the ‘valley of ashes’: the industrial area of Queens, between New York and West Egg 

Contradiction between Long Island <-> ‘valley of ashes’ <-> NYC

Small journey between city – country: common in literature

The 3 locations are the steps of civilization


Long Island Valley of ashes NYC
  • Countryside
  • Idyllic
  • There is a breeze, there is NO heat, it is bearable
  • Interim place
  • Famous billboard
  • Hellish
  • Civilization falling apart
  • Wasteland
  • Burnt out
  • Halfway between 
  • Heat
  • Corruption
  • Source of all wealth


People tend to forget the ashes and the parties

The readers are made to like Gatsby, to want to be invited, to be attracted the glamour

Nick is the representation of us, readers: he embodies our desire to join in

Gatsby does not appear for quite long, but the rumors about him does <- Nick catches the rumours: UNCERTAINTY, we do not know anything certain about Gatsby

  • Example rumors:

~ he killed someone

~ he was related to the Kaisers (Kaiser Wilhelm was German, enemy in WWI)

~ he was a german spy in the war

~ he fought in America’s side in the war

  • Lots of contradictions: close and far, we cannot know what is sure
  • The rumors are European based
  • Gatsby is considered to be the ultimate product of America, but all the early thins we hear about him are European based (although all the stories are about him banal)
  • Gossip, rumor, fake news, changing the truth <- fundamental in the novel
  • Main rumor: Gatsby is VERY rich

Gatsby’s origins are mysterious – America came from nothing to ‘the greatest nation on Earth’: arc of progress, from nothing to absolute wealth, power fame -> Fitzgerald put this idea into human cultural expression through putting it into Gatsby

Many writers of victorian period: it was necessary in society to work hard, become wealthy, marry the right girl, have kids (societal progress) <- in America, it is bigger, richer:

American dream: you can do anything (as long as you are white and well-off enough to start)

Poverty: Myrtle’s husband, William <- HE KILLS GATSBY

Perception about truth is really important in the novel

The books is a novel of inconvenient truths

Satirical undermining of the American dream

  • No one in the book get what they want
  • No one reaches their aim without some corruption

After chapter 2 Fitzgerald make us forget about the negative bit of the ashes and the city, the inconvenient truths

  • We rather concentrate on our chance to meet Gatsby
  • Chapter 3,4 and 5 are pivotal and glamorous
  • The very very important undertones are there from chapter 2, but the glitter and glamour make us forget about them

*notes based on this video

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