PSE Unit 2: Gender and Sexuality

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Why is it important to be an LGBTQ + Ally?

We know that hate crimes against the community of LGBTQ+ is on the rise, and many people in our world are making it more difficult for LGBTQ+ people to fully be themselves at work, at home, at local communities or even on the sidewalks. This is why we all should be allies because we can help empower and strengthen people around us. Being an ally is about being an active friend or support to someone else. People who aren’t LGBTQ+ can be allies to LGBTQ+ people and LGBTQ+ people can be allies to each other. It’s important to understand that if we want to live in a world where people are accepted without an exception, we should all help each other as human beings to be fully accepted for who we want to be. Everyone has had their share of experiences in life, such as women and men living in a patriarchal society. As a girl living in this type of society, I have empathy for people who have that feeling that they are being looked at differently from the rest, thinking that we can’t do any better than the rest. Well, put yourself in their shoes and pause to think, would you want to live a life where you are constantly looked down upon because of how you identify and be discriminated against in such ways that could lead to brutal crimes, or would you want to live a life where you have a large number of people from all around the world to support you for who you are and truly treat you with the respect you rightfully deserve? It is very easy to say things like ” oh I am an ally because I don’t have a problem with LGBTQ+ people” but people need to actually do things as there are resources all around the internet on how to be an ally, but the fact of the matter is that in our world in order for change for a good cause to occur we all need to put all of our efforts into it and stand by one another be there for everyone whether or not they call out.

Strengths in High School

We all have our own potentials/strengths and weaknesses because we all are human but it is important to focus on our strengths and how we can use to its use in society. So the question would be how can these strengths make you an effective member of the community? Well, I think the first step is to appreciate and acknowledge the fact that we all have strengths and that we shouldn’t put ourselves down thinking that we don’t have any compared to the people we surround ourselves with. When we know what type of strength we have it will help us communicate effectively with the people around us and at the same time prevent an argument. With all of our different strengths, we can compile them together and form a peaceful society where everyone will have the opportunity to prove that they can be leaders with good intentions.

Sometimes it’s hard to find out more about ourselves whether it’s a good thing or not, I am always anxious whenever I take like a personality quiz, about what I would find out new about myself comparing to what I think I am like. However, after I took the quiz I analyzed it and found out that there quite a handful of things similar to last time meaning that I have not changed at all. This made me wonder whether it’s a good thing or not that I am not developing personality-wise. Gradually I took the time to understand why I am like the way I am and how it is effective in a way that I contribute to societies within my school, family, and friends.

Basically, everyone is helpful in their own ways to contribute to other people’s lives. In this school, we are given a lot of opportunities to develop our strengths and weaknesses and work on them. At the end of the day, we all need to appreciate our strengths and weaknesses and understand that even our weaknesses save us from making mistakes.

Music and It’s Effect

In life, we tend to depend on many things for the best and worst reasons. For some its family that they depend on to enlighten their day or for some it could be friends. Whereas for some other people it doesn’t need to be people, it could be a certain item, for example, a specific object that reminds them of memory or person. Let’s take me for example, I don’t really depend on my family on enlightenment because since I’m interested in arts I lean towards it. More specifically music. Have you ever felt like you’re in your own little world where you just feel so young and free to enjoy life the way you want as no one is there to restrict you and tell you what is right and wrong because your own it all at that moment? That’s what I feel like when I listen to music. I feel like I’m in my own bubble where I feel safe and protected from judgments and other things going on in my life for example school. It’s like my ear refuses to pay heed to anything else and just wants to feel the delicate and unique rhythms and vibrations continue to echo in my head like a bell. There are times when I feel as if the music is teaching my brain how to work, flow and be peaceful. I imagine it changing tones as touches different parts of me. It tries to feel the presence of the real me, the ever-patient version of myself who waits to be spoken to and is gratified to do so. Music is like a different yet inimitable language like love. Every single beat conveys something diverse, which magnifies the real beauty of it.

Music and its beats/rhythms/vibrations and etc all have its own effect on us humans. We tend to depend on music as if it’s either just a random want/entertainment but some, on the other hand, leave their lives to music as they believe that music gives them the strength and will to save them from going into a pit where they don’t know whether they will be able to come out of ever again. That’s kind of the beauty of music… giving more life to something that already has a life but not as good. Many people are influenced by the music they listen to. Mostly because they desire to copy their favorite artist or because they feel that’s a way of expressing themselves and fitting in with the people that are into the same music. Aside from the effects of music on emotions, intelligence, and creativity, it also has an impact on a person’s well-being, either in a positive or a negative way. For example, during the Nazi regime, music had been used to torture and manipulate victims in some parts of Europe. Music torture was done by means of playing a loud sound for days to add more psychological agony to the targets. While the music could be used in a negative way to infuse negative well-being, it could also impact people in a positive manner. Since certain types of music have the ability to make people calm and relaxed, music is helpful for people who are depressed.

In conclusion, music really helps everyone nowadays as it has changed and will continue to change our lives. When people listen to music they are able to be inspired, compare and be helped emotionally. Sometimes we all just need that one comfort thing that helps us get up in the morning and get out of bed. Well, this is mine. What’s yours?