Steps to take in Bharatnatyam

For the past 8 years I have been learning an Indian classical form of dance called Bharatnatyam. It is an art form that I thoroughly enjoy every minute of. I am currently working towards a group dance performance next year, where I shall get to showcase a variety of dances.

In order for me to be successful then, I believe that I need to practice rigorously and identify my flaws so that I can work on them. I have been good at this in the past, an I believe that constructive criticism is one of the best ways to improve. In the next few months I would like to work on the way I execute the dances that I have learnt, and ensure that it does not look clumsy. I usually take a while to learn a new choreography and then a lot of practice to execute the dance well, therefore in order to speed up this timeline, I have made a schedule for myself.

With the help of this schedule, I feel I will be better at learning faster, and simultaneously becoming better at what I have already learnt.


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