I think I will try to complete a lot of question and manage my time during the test and also learn what I am lack of in understanding and try to understand and do better next year.

Two process I remember from the exam will beĀ  how we are not allowed to talk or look around in the exam hall and not bringing in unnecessary objects.

I would tell myself that I need to pass and study really hard because I can do this and please LORD help me.The most interesting part of the course is the algebra and angles but I am looking forward to next year.

Angles and circles is most important thing I learnt because I think I did well on it and I think I have to improved on functions and quadratics because I still need don’t understand some of it.

I think I know that if I did well on a test when I realized that I improve on question that I usually repeat mistakes on and I know that I kind of get and understand it and I will remember it in the future.

The challenge that I face was writing so fast and work on time and also understanding the question.The skills I will use will be skipping hard question and go to the easy one first and also make a lot of practice.

Softball because even though you can’t hit the ball, you can still hit it and it just take practice.






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