What Rules Do You Have for Staying Healthy?

I think some of the rules that I have for staying healthy are eating healthy food, exercise, sleep well and stay clean and I seriously take eating healthy and exercise.I think eating healthy and sleeping well is maybe based on people beliefs..Eg.. if they belief that eating healthy or sleeping well makes you healthy, then they definitely will do it becauWhat rules Do you have for staying healthy?se they believe that it will bring them wellness, health and life not sickness.I think exercise might be the one that are grounded for science because you connect to the ground..eg when you run or take a walk you explore the surrounding which keeps your wellness up.

The article helps me aware of the food that fell on the ground within seconds because I always thought that if it falls and you pick it up as soon as possible, there will no bacteria present.However the article suggest that how fast you pick up the food from the floor, you pick bacteria with it.


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