Adding to our wall of poetry


We can make a difference by celebrating this day!

This phase from Seungyeon’s poem really illustrates the optimism we need to keep in dealing with such potentially dispiriting stories.


“There are bombs all over the air / You are running for your life / Blood all over the streets / And friends are dead”

However in contrast Liv’s poem represents the reality of the situation – the world of the refugees is not one of peace, or calm, it is a long road, littered with pitfalls and traps which they must evade.


“Refugees, have to flee, because of other people that’s not how it’s not meant to be. Us, here we don’t have to suffer all this pain, we get to do anything while they’re forced to leave their home country, some people help them, most people don’t”

By Luca and Zaidan. Come visit and read the other poems!

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