Isma faces a dilemma in which she has to side with her brother or the nation and it’s ethical guidelines. Her brother, Parvaiz, has ties with the Islamic State that directly oppose the moral perceptions and Ethical guidelines of the United Kingdom, where Isma has been living for an extended amount of time. It is difficult to come to conclusion on what is ethically correct and how to approach where her loyalty lie as there are factors on both sides that affect who was lying in the ethically correct side in this situation.

Isma values her family and the importance of the connection with it, or she would disregard Parvaiz’s decisions entirely because they do not align with what the Islamic State beliefs are. Therefore her family ties and history, such as the perspectives of father Adil Pasha who died as a jihadist on the way to Guantanamo Bay. This background most likely had an effect of Parvaiz decision to join the IS, so can Isma really abandon her brother when they are so heavily linked to family history? Even if Parvaiz and Isma do not connect on an ideological standpoint, it should not affect the idea that family should support each other and stick together, until they abandon each other.

On the other hand Karamat, who works for UK authorities, upholds the perspectives of the ethical guidelines in the country as well, along with being strongly against the body of Parvaiz to be returned to England. This claim can be supported by his restrictions of letting Eamonn, his son to marry Aneeka (or keep contact with her), who is the other sister and twin of Parvaiz. These two contrasting perspectives between Parvaiz and Karamat put Isma in a dilemma on who to side with, as both perspectives completely oppose eachother.

Personally, I would say that Isma should side with her country because although family is important, Parvaiz has abandoned the family and created a distrust within the sibling relationship, and her country has created opportunities and perspectives that align more with how Isma is living her life. In example, the UK providing a space to enrich her studies and live a fulfilled life should most definitely gave Isma similar values to the people of the UK, where her perspectives often align with the people around her. Parvaiz is seen as a traitor and has abandoned the country and has become a radicalist in fighting against everything Isma’s upbringing stands for. Therefore, I would give the advice for Isma to be loyal to her country.

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