Lockdown has given me the opportunity to enhance my work ethic and to keep organised. During the lockdown, students and teachers need a new level of organisation in order to maintain a strong schedule, and lockdown has given the perfect opportunity to do exactly that. I believe that it is significantly more difficult to manage a work-life balance when at home, as it can be hard to detach yourself from work mode or relaxed mode at any given time. Personally, lockdown has allowed me to practice controlling routines, and keeping consistent with the work and free time I have in a day.

This global issue has affected the majority of the world, something that cannot be said for many things in modern history. Sometimes when lockdown and quarantine become frustrating, I take a step back and realise that I am not the only one having these issues. One of the specific areas where I have had to change my approach drastically is in my ITP drums. At first, I was frustrated that online learning would be so inconvenient and disengaging; especially for an instrument. However, after a bit of time I acknowledged that my instructor is probably having issues much larger than my own personal attitude towards the situation, as the Singapore circuit breaker has cut the pay of many jobs around the country.

With this in mind, I decided to continue with lessons online, although I deemed it impractical, and to my surprise the lessons have worked well and been something to brighten my week during lockdown. I plan to find a way to support all of the activities I have been involved in that have been discontinued for the circuit breaker period, including my sport, by ensuring I am even more engaged and ready to participate when this is all over.

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