What if the religious right went beyond elections and staged a revolution, establishing and American government that replaced the constitution with he Bible?

I believe one of the key changes would be the way we perceive equality. There would be significant ideological changes that are strongly against equality between genders, viewing women as little more than a fertility tool. This could occur when a government with these fundamentalist views takes over and incentivises a revolution with its supporters. It would be destructive and most likely change the structure or urban civilisations.

I believe conditions would be similar to what The Handmaid’s Tale presented, especially in the long term. I don’t believe everyone would instantly be in favour of these fundamentalist perspectives. However overtime, newer generations would gradually normalise this oppressive system, as governments with this fundamentalist perspective would enforce it strictly. Women would overtime feel these changes especially, as this establishment would remove virtually all rights women have to coexist in society. They would be placed to function only has a producer of children, strongly contrasting the way modern feminism views the role of women. I believe that this system would change the way gender roles are examined, and would be strongly in favour of men being the dominant and controlling sexuality.

A religious fundamentalist system would change the rights of all people, as there cannot be arguments for change and impact. The bible follows a strict set of rules that cannot really be changed, so there would not be governmental shifts without a revolution. This includes societal standards, as people in power would refer to their interpretation of the bible to make decisions that are non-negotiable.

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