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Writing About Abstract Concepts

Strength can be defined spiritually, mentally and physically. Spiritual strength can be defined as someone who has a strong sense of self which could mean they are confident and comfortable in their own skin. How can this come to be? One has to find self-worth within themselves and fully accept who they are in order to love themselves. This can take time and is a lot easier said than done. Physical strength can come from playing sports, working out and manual labour. This type of strength also takes a lot of time, effort and dedication. Spiritual strength can be defined as someone who is strong within their beliefs and values as a person. Spiritual strength keeps growing and developing over time because as humans we are continuously evolving as individuals. Many people find that mental and physical strength go hand in hand. From personal experience, whenever my mental health is in a strong place I feel motivated to do work whether it’s for school, chores or physical activity. It comes down to my mindset and how I am mentally feeling for the day. If I am not motivated to do anything I will most likely end up doing nothing whereas when I am mentally motivated to get things done I am very productive in all aspects of work and life.

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