Cas reflection for Chinese Chat mid term

It has been nearly two service seasons since I have started Chinese chat, and I felt that I have developed my communications skills by a vast amount compared to the start of the seasons. I and my mentee have developed a trusting relationship with the service sessions. After I am more used to these digital learning platforms, I made the tuition more fun and interesting, and I would use treats to encourage him to work harder. However, I also recognised that it is very important that he is motivated to achieve a better grade too. So this time, I aim to work together with his Chinese teacher and ask her regularly on what she thinks he could improve on.

This relates to Learning Outcome 2 because I have undertaken challenges in the area where I have no experience in, and I greatly developed my communication skills too. I also set new goals for further personal growth, so it also relates to Learning Outcome 1.


An example of our SWOT analysis

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One thought on “Cas reflection for Chinese Chat mid term”

  1. Good to know that you attempted to overcome challenges of working with your partner. Motivation and communication between you and your partner are so important to progressing. Well done for continuing to encourage.

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