Tag Archives: #LO7

Post project week reflection

Project week is way beyond my expectation. At first, I thought it would be something that’s like a G8 trip or service trip but instead with your friends, but now reflecting on it, I was very wrong!  All the planning and communications paid off once we have started the week. The trip was also extremely meaningful because I am able to endure hardship and have fun with my friends while working towards a common goal.  I made new friends and deepened my bonds with the existing ones, and got to know how others’ lives are like.

Our primary goal is to produce a promotional GC video for the NGO New Hope Foundation that Smiles of China is working for. We collaborated using our different skills, and the video was proven to be a success that it will soon be utilised by the school. During the visit, I was really moved by how others give up their material life in order to help others in need, especially in a place foreign to them and there are always imminent threats to the organisation such as financial problems. I also learnt more about the situation of orphanages in China, and the problems the NGO face in general. Although it might sound cheesy, this visit changed my view on volunteer work and GCs. I would definitely come back again if there is the chance to do so.

I also enjoyed going to Nan Luo Gu Xiang with my friends to experience authentic Beijing Hutong culture and appreciate local foods. One of the most memorable events includes the Great Wall visit. We have walked up to Mutianyu, the section located high up in the mountains, to view the splendour of Chinese landscape and ancient architecture. After the trip, I felt more hopeful about the future (IB) with such good memories. The project week will definitely always be a treasured memory of my life.

Picture of me playing with a child:

Great wall:

Motor and Gross skills development with Christian Outreach for the Handicap Final reflection

Yesterday was my last session for the service. Looking back, I feel that this service has become an essential part of my grade 11 experience. I have learnt how to interact with many different types of people, rediscover the happiness when we play games from my childhood together, and most importantly, get joy from the smiles on their faces. I have also brought in different materials for activities such stamps and colourful paper to provide our clients with different options. As the year progresses, the individual clients have also grown more familiar to us. Thus we have also developed our session plans based on their needs and preferences. The dancing activity is a real success as it engages our clients better than usual. The more I get to know the clients, the more I appreciated their friendliness and innocence. However, we should also treat them with respect as they are also individuals with dignity, just like us. Throughout this activity, I have developed respect, session planning skills and also communication. These are important skills that I could utilise in my daily lives. I am really glad that I took up this service and I will miss my clients greatly.

Smiles of China reflection

After half term, I have gained a much more thorough understanding of my job and is more able to facilitate the communication between the three parties involved in this GC.

We have been through our major event of the year, which is the Chinese New Year GC event. It was a test of the effectiveness of our leadership team, and after the events, we also reflected on the activities conducted and the merchandise sold at the event, to improve the event for next year. We have also encountered minor problems regarding finance. The service department thought that we were selling Starbucks vouchers, which is unethical and directly making the profit although it is for an NGO. It is proven to be a misunderstanding between the two as we used the Starbucks vouchers as prices for a chopstick marble game for the participants. However, I and the co-chair solved this problem in collaboration with the service department, and they also have given us advise on how we could improve our presentation of the GC goals at events.

I think my CAS experience links to the Learning Outcome 4, as I am able to show perseverance and commitment this CAS activity, and also LO7 because we are also considering the actions of our choices and actions on both sides while helping the others. It also links to LO2 because I am able to develop better communications skills in the process.

Here is an example of our meeting notes: