December 11

潮骚 笔记


八代神社 – 岛内传统

灯塔 – 外界





新治 – 健壮,阳光,自然环境(大海)赋予他性格特征(坚韧单纯),吃苦耐劳,老实,懵懂



December 7

Metamorphosis – Kafka

Illustration Analysis

Bug has a human shadow. Bug is how he is being perceived, but his true identity is human.


The physical bug caged the human character.

Trapped, forced, imprisoned.


Lighting on half of the face, character in difficulty. Red. Font like bug crawling. Bug is part of him the whole time. Bug can represent anything, a negative feeling. 


Class Discussion

What do you know about Gregor Samsa’s life?

Devoting to family. Have to work very hard, with high pressure. Salesman, travel. Expectation, responsibility. But the family is not grateful for that. No freedom, happiness, feel trapped. But he is doing it voluntarily and very motivated because he loves his family.


What had happened to Gregor when he woke up in the morning in Chapter one?

He turned into a bug.


What could his transformation be a metaphor about/ what does it symbolize?

He became a burden to his family. His function of earning money no longer exists.


Magical realism, literally is a bug.

High anxiety leads to him thinking that he is a bug.

The whole story is metaphorical.


What topics do you think are being addressed in the Metamorphosis? Think about the topics you have identified in other works read/ viewed during this unit.

Capitalist society. Gender, man work, woman marry. Family relationship. Hierarchy. Identity. Desperation. 


What do people need to be happy?

  1. Meet physical needs. Physically comfortable
  2. A reasonable future. (hope)
  3. Social connection
  4. Able to do what the person wants to do (short term happiness)
  5. Self respect and self esteem, sense of purpose (long term happiness)

Class ranking

  1. Money
  2. Purpose
  3. friends/family
  4. Health


Does modern life support those needs or work against them?

Modern life needs the individual to work towards happiness.

December 6

潮骚 欣赏




p36 伊势号子


37 “灯塔周围的夕暮变成了日落后的残曛。”

38 “拐过女人坡,风也煞了,只见薄暮沉静的光芒从云隙里不住流泻下来。”

40 “凡是恶劣的习惯,在到达这个岛之前都会自然消失。大海呀,它只给这个岛送来有益的东西” “这回新治连初江的手都没有握一下。” 单纯的恋爱,安全感。真好呐。



50 “他仰望着飘到檐端的豪雨,顺着窗玻璃向下流淌……暴风、怒涛以及刮得树梢左右披拂的狂风的呼号打扮的节日。”

52 “白日里也是一片昏暗的家中,分娩时悒郁而痛苦的内心,黯淡的海底,这些都是一系列相互关联的亲切的世界。”“贞洁的心灵倏忽变得可怕起来”

55 “没有天生的想象力让他烦恼。”


59 “火花的爆裂以及高窗下风雨的呼啸”

61 “她眷恋着这样的东京。在那里,“自然”一应被征服了,剩余的自然的威力就是敌人。”

62 “谁也没有觉察千代子的不幸” “只见一连串的铅字,其中高高低低,犹如飞旋的鸟的幻影,晃得她眼睛发疼。那是海鸥。”

87 “(新治)强忍住无价的泪水,硬是不让人看到那副难看的苦丧的面容。十吉这回没有笑。”

90 “千代子到底想叫新治宽恕什么呢?”女孩子幽微的心思。

91 “他说我很漂亮” “我不再期望他干什么了。”我发现日本人特别喜欢用女孩子想变得漂亮来引起读者对角色的疼惜,不知道是什么情结。

93 “东边岩壁群生的文殊兰花花期尚早”


94 “恐怕歌岛上王子的一生因为非常幸福,没有给人留下编故事的余地吧。”

96 “ 真是一只奇怪的蝴蝶,学着海鸥飞翔呢。”“它绝望于这样的距离” 母亲是个怎么样的人呢,期待着什么又被什么困住了。


104 这段对海女工作辛苦的描述好棒。哎呀整个第13章都好棒。




December 3





November 26

The fat boy by Owen Marshall

This short story portrays a fat boy in the town but implies that it is a collective lie and there isn’t actually a fat boy. The fat boy is symbolic of an outsider. The narrative voice encourages readers to join the town people. I kind of know the fat boy didn’t do those crimes, but at first, I didn’t think about if he really exists. I think it’s interesting that the short story gives an experience to the reader that increases the feeling of relevance to the themes.

November 17

Challenges in SEAMC and gymnastics

In CAS there were a lot of big challenges that I had to overcome, for example in SEAMC and in gymnastics. For SEAMC the biggest challenge was that everyone else is really smart and that I had a lot of different things to learn together. I could overcome this challenge by working and learning from other people to collaborate. This helped me to get better in math but also learn new skills such as being able to work with other people. In gymnastics the challenge was really big. I was scared of doing some things such as the forward roll so it was hard to get the courage to do that. But with the support of the coach and even friends and other people I think I got more confident and tried to learn it and partly succeeded.

October 13

Culturama 2 – Mongolia

LO1-Identify their own strengths​ ​and develop areas for growth​.

LO4-Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences.

This year’s Culturama dance show is particularly difficult due to the Covid-19 Restrictions. We had a postponed start so there was less time to practice the dance than we normally would have. We made it up by organizing additional rehearsals on weekends. Everyone is supportive and willing to do that. I feel happy about being able to dance with these people. The dance performance was recorded and can be viewed by the school community after the technicians done editing. There are also restrictions such as a 1-meter distance between dancers and we can’t physically touch each other or hand over objects. So we had to change a lot of movements after the teachers pointed that out during tech run. For example, the transition part changed from two lines crossing each other to walking in a circle, and handing over the flags changed to put down on the ground. We have to adapt to the situation and make the best of it. I also found out that I am so much better at dancing compared to last year. I’m able to help others in the group, explaining the moves. It means that the experience from last year actually made me improved a lot. Dancing almost turned from a weakness to a strength to me. 

September 27

Project Week 2

After we did planning for project week I understood that working with other people is very helpful and important. This is because sometimes there are many things to do and it can be helpful to work with friends so that each person has less to do. It is also better to work with other people if they think in different ways. In my project week group, since we had so many different people we could always think of different ideas so that we had backup plans and also different ideas of what we could do in different situations. This means that working with other people was actually useful and even more than just being able to have more people to do work.

September 25

LO2 – Discover Strength

What strengths have you discovered through CAS?


I found out that I am very passionate about learning new skills and taking challenges. Also, I can learn things and improve quite quickly. For example Culturama dance and badminton, I become so much better at those compared to a year ago when I did the same thing. In Culturama dance when I started it was difficult to make movements in the right way and at the right time but I practiced and had other people teach me which made me better. Now I am better, and it even is easier to learn the dance for this year than last years one. Badminton I feel less tired when doing it and it is also easier for me to move around. This shows how I think doing karate and badminton together helped be do more physical exertions and get healthy, and better physically.