June 14

About Me

Wang Sige (Kaylin)

Born at 28th Jan 2003


Now is a student in UWCSEA, Singapore. Grade 10 FIB.

To the left is an audio explaining what role I usually play in a team


I am a Visionary

I did the creative type test, the result is:

  • You are the visionary. Imagining the impossible.
  • You understand that life is limited only by the boundaries of your own beliefs
  • introspective and intuitive
  • Charismatic and expressive
  • Your greatest challenge is to take consistent daily action to create the future you envision

However, there are a lot of cultural references in this quiz that I don’t get. For example, fortune cookie or birthday cake; over the top of under the radar. So this result is not very reliable.

Which Harry Potter House do I belong to?


The interesting test from here: Harry Potter House

According to a Quora Post, the positive side of Ravenclaw is: intelligent, creativity, good looks, self-sufficient; the negative side is: cliques and Arrogant. I think this description fits me very well, and as always, I’m trying to improve myself. The characteristics of Hufflepuff includes humble, benevolence, friendly and hard-working. These are the things that I’m working on and trying to be. It’s nice to see that I have 39% of Hufflepuff instead of being entirely Ravenclaw. By the way, I’m not a Harry Potter fan, I just find it a nice way to describe myself.

Activities and Services that I'm Involved in

Below are the things I have done/am doing in school, they helped me build up these skills.

Running Hour, Chinese Chat: Service orientation. Running hour is a local service, I run or walk with people who have week intelligence. We pair up for that one and a half hour, and I have to be very mindful the whole time. I improved a lot on taking care of them, so they don’t run off track, get lost in the crowd, get unhappy or anything. I was pretty bad at the beginning. Chinese Chat is to support elementary school students in learning their Chinese subject.

Badminton: Emotional intelligence. Our team gets quite close. As a badminton team, we would win and lose, and there are so many other things going on in school. Everyone is experiencing a different emotion. By working closely together with my teammates, I became more aware of those.

Generation. Education. Period. – Focus Group: Complex problem-solving. We needed to organize events, share information on our own topic, get contacts, get awareness, discuss what to do next. ,

The other activities that I have done this year are HS Competition Maths Club, Karate, and DJ Club, I also learned a lot other skills from them.

My temperament is Rational

My "Heroes" Inspired Me

My parents are “heroes” to me. Not because of particular things, but the way they treat life. They inspired me on: be brave to start with nothing; It’s nice and also possible to maintain a good relationship for decades; enjoy the best out of what you have.