Reflection of My Personality Quiz

After doing my personality test, I am defined as a defender. My personality code is ISFJ-A. From the mind section of the results, I am defined as an introverted person. I got 60% of introverted and 4o% of extroverted. From the energy section, I am defined as an observant. I got 58% of observants and 42% of intuitive. From the nature section, I find I am a emotional person mostly. I got 64% of using feeling to make decision and 36% of using logics to make decision. From the tactic sessions, I am a judging, planned person instead of being a prospecting person. I got 71% of judging and 29% of prospecting. From the identity session, I am an assertive person instead of a turbulent person. I got 58% of assertive and 42% of turbulent.

After checking the results, I found my strengths there.

  • I am supportive. I am glad to help others.
  • I am reliable and patient. I am careful while doing work.
  • I am imaginative and observant. I can think at others point to have different views.
  • I am enthusiastic. I won’t be suffered because of others bad comments.
  • I am loyal and hard-working. I would like to try my best to reach my goals.
  • I have good practical skills. I have the practical sense to actually do something with all this altruism.

I also have weaknesses.

  • I am always getting humble and shy because I am concerned others feeling. I don’t make any mistakes.
  • Sometimes I take things too personally. I may do something which good for me, but may not good to others. That may make others feel bad.
  • I may repress my feelings. I am very sensitive. When I get something wrong, I will protect myself by no valid reson.
  • I am reluctant to change. I prefer old version instead of a completely new version. I am panic to get into a new area.