Stories Within Scenes

Writer’s Fortnight – Marc Nair

Poet and photographer, Marc Nair, gave us an insight into his inspiration and creation process. His poetry varies from light-hearted topics to heavier and more meaningful topics. I thought that is was interesting how none of his poems were alike, they all had different voices, different language, and sometimes different structure. It was obvious that some of his poems were humorous and had a sarcastic view, and obvious that some of his other works look into more serious and real-life problems.

Something that surprised me the most, was when he told us he had to write over 30 poems in a couple weeks. Compared to the poetry we have been writing, I had my one poem done in 2-3 weeks. I wondered if it was possible to ever run dry of ideas or inspiration, but he mentioned that to write a poem, you need to be in the moment and understand the story behind it. He often has poems that go along pictures, like his travels to London. But said that ‘process was critical’, and that every poem or project needs preparation.

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